Ансельм Людмила Николаевна
Mother'S Day

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  • © Copyright Ансельм Людмила Николаевна (luanselm@yahoo.com)
  • Размещен: 28/09/2019, изменен: 28/09/2019. 11k. Статистика.
  • Пьеса; сценарий: Драматургия
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  • Аннотация:
    A Modern American family: two men and a boy Peter of eight.The teacher of Peter asked the students to draw a portrait of their mothers for mother's Day.It is difficult task for Peter because he had never seen his mother.

       Translated by Jim Clinton
      PETER - 8 or 9 years old, he has a band aid on his forehead.
      MICHAEL - 25-30 years old. He has a beard about five days old.
      Family room in upscale home. PETER, sobbing, sits at a table drawing. MICHAEL enters, briskly.
      Peter, have you seen my electric razor?
      You crying?
      PETER (angrily)
      I already told you! Zack pushed me down the stairs at school!
      Right. We started to talk about it in the car, and then we ran into that gridlock at 5 corners. Do you know why Zack pushed you?
      Mr. Allen said to draw a picture of our mothers for Mother"s Day. Zack said I didn"t have a mother. So I pushed him.
      Your mama ...
      Papa said he"d talk to me about my mama sometime soon. I don"t know who my Mama was...
      Why "was"? She"s alive...
      PETER (surprised)
      You"ve seen my Mama?
      (MICHAEL pulls up a chair and sits confidentially near Peter)
      Your Dad told me about her...
      What did he tell you?
      Well... She goes to college in a big city far away. Your Dad is paying for her college... and more...
      Because she"s your Mama.
      (shaken, holding back tears)
      Is he paying money for me?
      Well, sort of ...
      How come Mama doesn"t come see me?
      They agreed that you would not see or meet each other.
      He paid money so that she will never see me?
      He loves you very much... He loves you so much he wants to have you all to himself.
      If Papa loves me, why he isn"t home more?
      He"s an engineer. He has to travel around to different cities. He visits many different businesses that need his knowledge. Some times he gets to ride in a helicopter. When you are older he"ll probably take you with him.
      (Starts crying.)
      I want him home. Not just you...
      Peter, you know... You know.I has never seen my real parents...
      (Stops crying.)
      Tom"s mother and father took care of me like a son. It"s called "adoption."
      Who"s Tom?
      Tom, you know him, we go to Mac Donald"s every Wednesday with him. Tom is just like a brother to me. (Pause) Tom"s parents both worked very hard. My adoptive father usually came home late after I had gone to bed....
      You had a brother, but I"m all alone...
      Tom was mean to me for a long time. He used to hide my sneakers. He snuck bites from my desert. (Pause) Adoption made me different. It was a dirty word back then. Tom told all the kids on the block and at school. They tackled me hardest when we played pick up football. I had to be tough. (Pause) Peter, you see your father more often than I saw my adoptive father... Soon your Dad will come home, have dinner with you, read to you and tuck you in. (Pause) Now tell me where you have hidden my electric razor.
      PETER (sulking)
      Didn"t hide it.
      It"s always on the shelf in the bathroom, and now it isn"t there. I guess, you want to play "hide and seek"...
      PETER (still sulking)
      I don"t want to play any games with you. I want my Papa. (Pause) He bought me like a loaf of bread!
      (PETER starts crying. MICHAEL tries to hug him but is pushed away.)
      We have talked about a lot... about a lot big things... adult things... It"s all new to you... I"ve been completely honest with you... and I love you.
      I want Papa...
      He"ll be home soon for dinner... Let"s try not to upset him... He"ll be tired. Papa doesn"t know that you know so much. (Pause) This has been hard for me. I"m tired too. (Pause) And now if you don"t want to play "hide and seek," tell me where my razor is.
      Why do you want your razor?
      I"d like to shave and shower, and put on a clean shirt, neaten up for dinner...
      You haven"t shaved all week and now that Papa is coming home you want to shave!
      Jack likes me clean-shaven...
      So you and Papa can kiss each other?
      MICHAEL (stunned)
      What have you seen?
      I saw how you and Papa kissed... I never saw him kiss my other babysitters... Every babysitter left after awhile, and another one came. Why are you always here?
      Papa entrusts you to me. We agreed we"d see how you and I got along.
      You"ll be here, even when Papa is home?
      We all will be sort of like a family.
      A family?
      Not a family like your friends Andy or Zack has with their parents... It would be another sort of family...There are a lot different kinds of families nowadays...
      Our family would be a better family than you having one babysitter and then another babysitter. We will all get to know each other better.
       It means you"ll live with us always?
      Maybe....I like to read to you... I like to play with you... I love you. (Pause) We"ll get different kinds of power from each other... Like Harry Potter has powers beyond anybody else...
      What kind of powers?
      Who knows? So much happens that we don"t understand...
       (PETER has been getting more and more unsettled.)
      Peter, what do you want to ask me about? What"s the matter?
      I don"t it like when you pick me up at school!
      Why not?
      When you started to come the mothers and babysitters hurried my friends away. (Pause) Yesterday Andy and Zack didn"t let me play with them. Today they pushed me around and called me "fairy!"... I want a babysitter like all the other kids.
      I"d better talk to your teacher...
      (Beginning to cry):
      No! No! You can"t go to school... No don"t talk to Mr. Allen.
      MICHAEL (nervously)
      Peter, OK... Don"t cry... I only want to help you... Soon your Dad will come and he"ll see your tears... I promise not to go to school...
      (Stops crying.)
      I can take care of myself. (Pause) I think your razor is in my room...
      (MICHAEL, relieved and smiling, exits. PETER pushes the old drawing aside and starts a new drawing.)
      (shouting from off stage)
      Peter! I don"t see it!
      Where are you?
      I"m by your table.
      Now I"m standing near your bed...
      Here it is. It was under your pillow!
      (We hear the razor running as PETER concentrates on drawing.
      MICHAEL returns with the razor running he shouts over the razor
      Up to your old tricks again? I won"t have time to shower... I"ll just change my shirt then I"ll set the table.
      (He turns the razor off.)
      I have a nice pot roast and in the oven. What do you want for dessert?
      Key lime pie.
      (MICHAEL suddenly peers at PETER"s drawing.)
      What"s this?
      It"s you.
      But I shaved off my beard.
      I drew it from memory.
      Why my portrait?
      To take to school and give to Mr. Allen.
      What for?
      I"ll tell him... you are kind of my mother...
       (Peter is watching Michael with a smile)
       END OF PLAY

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  • © Copyright Ансельм Людмила Николаевна (luanselm@yahoo.com)
  • Обновлено: 28/09/2019. 11k. Статистика.
  • Пьеса; сценарий: Драматургия
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