Болонкин Александр Александрович
Список 5 некоторых публикаций Болонкина в 2007-2014гг

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  • Комментарии: 3, последний от 24/08/2020.
  • © Copyright Болонкин Александр Александрович (abolonkin@juno.com)
  • Размещен: 19/10/2014, изменен: 19/10/2014. 512k. Статистика.
  • Статья: Естеств.науки
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    Список 5 некоторых публикаций Александра Болонкина в 2007-2014гг

  •    My publications List 5 9 29 14
    List 5-th of Bolonkin's publications in 2007-2014 (Loading is free)
       5th List of Publications: https://archive.org/details/List5OfBolonkinPublications, http://intellectualarchive.com #1392.
    4th List of publications: http://viXra.irg/abs/1402.0111 ;
    Third List of publications: http://www.scribd.com/doc/173336338/Publications-by-Bolonkin-30-September-2013,
    Some books and articles by A. Bolonkin published in (2007-2013) are on line (search "Bolonkin") in http://www.archive.org , http://arxiv.org (45), http://viXra.org (>40), http://intellectualarchive.com (>40), http://AIAA.org (41), http://GSJournal.net,(>12); and in Bolonkin's WEB http://Bolonkin.narod.ru/p65.htm , http://www.scribd.com, (temporary blocked), Other information in Bolonkin home page: http://Bolonkin.narod.ru and Wikipedia: Bolonkin Alexander(English and Russian).
        -- Human Immortality and Electronic Civilization. Electronic book, 1991. WEB: http://Bolonkin.narod.ru, http://bolonkin.narod.ru/Book_Immortality_in_English.htm
       http://bolonkin.narod.ru/Book_Immortality_in_Russian.htm .
        -- Human Immortality and Electronic Civilization. Lulu, 3rd edition (in English), 2007.
      http://www.archive.org/details/HumanImmortalityAndElectronicCivilization , http://Vixra.org/abs/0709.0001 , http://intellectualarchive.com #1139, http://www.scribd.com/doc/24053302 ,
        -- Бессмертие людей и электронная цивилизация (in Russian). Lulu, 3-е изданиеб 2007, http://www.archive.org/details/HumanImmortalityAndElectronicCivilizationInEussian, http://viXra.org/abs/1309.0189 (Russian), http://intellectualarchive.com N1140, http://www.scribd.com/doc/24052811
        -- Записки советского политзаключенного. 1991 (in Russian). 70 стр. , http://vixra.org/abs/1309.0187, http://intellectualarchive.com #1142,
      http://www.archive.org/details/MemoirsOfSovietPoliticalPrisonerinRussian, http://www.scribd.com/doc/24053537
        -- Memories of Soviet Political Prisoner. Translation from Russian. Lulu, 1995. http://viXra.org/abs/1309.0188, http://intellectualarchive.com, #1141, , http://www.archive.org/details/MemoirsOfSovietPoliticalPrisoner, http://www.scribd.com/doc/24053855,
        -- "Non Rocket Space Launch and Flight". Elsevier, 2005. 488 pgs. ISBN-13: 978-0-08044-731-5, ISBN-10: 0-080-44731-7 . https://archive.org/details/Non-rocketSpaceLaunchAndFlightv.3 , (v.3) http://vixra.org/abs/1407.0174 , http://www.archive.org/details/Non-rocketSpaceLaunchAndFlight , (corrected), http://www.scribd.com/doc/203941769/Non-Rocket-Space-Launch-and-Flight-v-3 , http://www.scribd.com/doc/24056182 (graph). http://www.scribd.com/doc/202159078/Non-Rocket-Space-Launch-and-Flight-2-nd-Edition (graph),
        -- "New Concepts, Ideas, Innovations in Aerospace, Technology and the Human Sciences", NOVA, 2006, 510 pgs. ISBN-13: 978-1-60021-787-6.
      http://viXra.org/abs/1309.0193, http://www.scribd.com/doc/24057071 ,
       7)"Macro-Projects: Environments and Technologies", NOVA, 2007, 536 pgs.
    ISBN 978-1-60456-998-8.
    http://viXra.org/abs/1309.0192 , http://www.scribd.com/doc/24057930 .
    8) "New Technologies and Revolutionary Projects", Scribd, 2008, 324 pgs,
    http://www.scribd.com/doc/32744477 ,
    9) "Жизнь. Наука. Будущее" (биографические очерки, исследования и инновации),
    Scribd, 2010, 286 pgs, 23 Мб., http://viXra.org/abs/1309.0204,
    or http://www.archive.org/details/Life.science.futureinRussian..., http://www.scribd.com/doc/45901785
    10) LIFE. SCIENCE. FUTURE (Biography notes, researches and innovations). Lambert,
    2010, 208 pgs. 16 Mb.ISBN: 978-3-8473-0839-3 .
    http://viXra.org/abs/1309.0205, http://www.lulu.com, search "Bolonkin";
    http://www.scribd.com/doc/48229884, or
    http://www.publishamerica.net/sc/productsearch.cgi?search_field=Bolonkin&storeid=*1ed736148e14b9de8c3184b7f08fb4a634 , or http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=Bolonkin&x=12&y=19 .
    11) Universe, Human Immortality and Future Human Evaluation. Scribd. 2010г., 124
    pages, 4.8 Mb. ISBN-10: 0124158013, ISBN-13: 978-0124158016
    http://www.scribd.com/doc/52969933/ Removed (bloked) 7 26 12
    12) Human immortality and Electronic Civilization, Publish America, Baltimore, USA,
    2010,140 ps. ISBN: 978-1-4489-3969-5, 140 pages, 5.5 x 8.5, $9.95. http://www.publishamerica.net/sc/productsearch.cgi?search_field=Bolonkin&storeid=*1ed736148e14b9de8c3184b7f08fb4a634 or http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=Bolonkin&x=12&y=19 .
    13) Memoirs of Soviet Political Prisoner, Publish America, Baltimore, USA, 2010,
    108 ps. ISBN: 978-1-4489-4414-9, 108 Pages, 5.5 x 8.5, $9.95. http://www.publishamerica.net/sc/productsearch.cgi?search_field=Bolonkin&storeid=*1ed736148e14b9de8c3184b7f08fb4a634
    14) LIFE. SCIENCE. FUTURE (Biography notes, researches and innovations).Publish
    America,Baltimore, USA,2010,208 pgs.16 Mb. ISBN: 978-1-4512-7983-2, 306 Pages, 6x9, $15.95.
    http://www.lulu.com search "Bolonkin" or
    http://www.publishamerica.net/sc/productsearch.cgi?search_field=Bolonkin&storeid=*1ed736148e14b9de8c3184b7f08fb4a634 or http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=Bolonkin&x=12&y=19 . or http://www.scribd.com/doc/48229884,
    15) Femtotechnologies and Revolutionary Projects. Lambert, USA, 2011. 538 p. 16 Mb.
    ISBN:978-3-8473-0839-0. http://www.scribd.com/doc/75519828/,
    16) Life and Science. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 2011, 205 pgs.
    ISBN: 978-3-8473-0839-3. http://www.scribd.com/doc/48229884,
    17) Universe, Human Immortality and Future Human Evaluation, Elsevier, 2011.
    http://intellectualarchive.com/?link=find#detail, http://viXra.org/abs/1207.0020
    18)Innovations and New Technologies. Scribd, 30/7/2013. 309 pgs. 8 Mb.
    http://viXra.org/abs/1307.0169, http://archive.org/details/InnovationsAndNewTechnologies,
    http://intellectualarchive.com/ , #1115,
    http://www.scribd.com/doc/157098739/Innovations-and-New-Technologies-7-9-13 ,
    19) Femtotechnologies and Innovative Projects, NY., Lulu (www.lulu.com, ID 12837818), 2011, 518 ps.,
    ISBN 978-1-105-64111-4, ISBN 978-1-300-48671-8. http://viXra.org/abs/1309.0191 (OK).
    20) Femtotechnologies and Revolutionary Projects, Lambert (Academic Publishing), UK., 2010, 530ps.,
    ISBN: 978-3-8473-2229-0. http://archive.org/details/FemtotechnologiesAndRevolutionaryProjects_873
    21) Slides for book "Electronic Immortality",
       Articles (2009-2014) (loading is free):
       1) Femtotechnology: Nuclear AB-Material with Fantastic Properties.
    American Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Vol. 2, #2, 2009, pp.501-514. Presented as paper AIAA-2009-
    4620 to 7th Annual International Energy Convention Conference, 2-5 August 2009, Denver, CO, USA.
    http://viXra.org/abs/1309.0201, http://www.scribd.com/doc/24046679/ ,. Book "Femtotechnology",Lulu, 2009.
    2) Femtotechnology: Design of the Strongest AB-Matter for Aerospace. Presented as paper AIAA-2009-4620 to 45
    Joint Propulsion Conference, 2-5 August, 2009, Denver CO, USA. See also closed paper AIAA-2010-1556 in 48
    Aerospace Meeting, New Horizons, 4 - 7 January, 2010, Orlando, FL, USA. http://GSJournal.net,
    Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Oct. 2010, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp.281-292. http://viXra.org/abs/1401.0173 ,
       http://intellectualarchive.com #1362 .
    3) Converting of Any Matter to Nuclear Energy by AB-Generator
    American Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Vol. 2, #4, 2009, pp.683-693.
    http://viXra.org/abs/1309.0200, http://www.scribd.com/doc/24048466/.
    4) Converting of any Matter to Nuclear Energy by AB-Generator and Aerospace
    Journal of Energy Storage and Conversion, Vol.3, #1, January-June 2012, p. 43-69. Book "Femtotechnology", Lulu,
    2009. http://www.archive.org/details/ConvertingOfAnyMatterToNuclearEnergyByAb-generatorAndAerospace ,
    http://www.scribd.com/doc/57419950/Converting-of-Matter-to-Nuclear-Energy-by-AB-Generator-and-its-Application ,
    http://intellectualarchive.com #1361, http://GSJournal.net (10 3 14) .
    5) Превращение материи в ядерную энергию АБ-генератором и фотонные ракеты (in
    Russian) (популярное изложение научной статьи) . http://www.scribd.com/doc/45901918/
    6) RailGun Space Launcher, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Oct. 2010, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp.293-299.
    7) Artificial Explosion of Sun. AB-Criterion for Sun Detonation.
    Journal "Scientific Israel-Technological Advantages", Israel, Vol.13, #1, 2011, pp.45-64.
    CWEEE, Computational Water, Energy, and Environmental Engineering. Volume 2, Number 3, July
    2013 , Alexander Bolonkin, Joseph Friedlander Abstract | References PDF (372KB), ePub, PP. 83-96,
    Date: July 11, 2013 DOI: 10.4236/cweee.2013.23010,Google Scholar Open Access Library.
    (Special Issue on )http://sita-journal.com/files/2_Cur.Iss_no.1.pdf , http://viXra.org/abs/1309.0198,
    http://www.scribd.com/doc/24541542/ ,
    8) Blanket for Cities. Journal of Environmental Protection , Volume 02, Number 04 (June
    2011). PP.327-341, Pub. Date: 2011-06-17, http://viXra.org/abs/1309.0197, http://www.scribd.com/doc/24050198 ,
       http://www.archive.org/details/DomeShieldAMethodToContainRadioactiveDustFromDamagedNuclearStations ,
    http://intellectualarchive.com #1363 .
    9) Man in Outer Space without a Special Space Suit.
    American Journal of Engineering and Applied Science 2(4), 573-579, 2009, ISSN 1991-7020.
    http://viXra.org/abs/1309.0199, http://www.scribd.com/doc/24050793/,
    http://www.archive.org/details/LiveOfHumanityInOuterSpaceWithoutSpaceSuite . Book "Femto".
    10) Aerial-High-Altitude-Gas-Pipeline. The Open Petroleum Engineering Journal, 2009, 2, 24-35.
    http://www.benthamscience.com/open/topej/articles/V002/24TOPEJ.pdf ,
    http://www.archive.org/details/AerialAltitudeGasPipeline, http://www.scribd.com/doc/24051138/,
    http://intellectualarchive.com #1364 .
    11) "Magnetic Space Launcher" has been published online 15 December 2010, in the ASCE, Journal of
    Aerospace Engineering (Vol. 24, No. 1, 2011, pp.124-134). http://www.scribd.com/doc/24051286/ ,
    https://archive.org/details/MagneticSpaceLauncher (in PDF) .
    12) An Innovative Solar Desalinization System. http://www.scribd.com/doc/24051638/ Deleted .
    Published in Badesky Collection together Neumann and Friedlander. Book "Femtotechnology",Lulu,2011.
    13) Economically Efficient Inflatable 3-km Tower for Communication
    http://www.scribd.com/doc/24051794/ Book "Femtotechnology", Lulu, 2011.
    14) Production-of-Fresh-Water-by-Exhaust-Gas-of-Electric-and-Industrial-Plants.
    Journal "Scientific Israel-Technological Advantages". Vol.13, #1, 2011, pp.65-71.
    https://archive.org/details/ProductionOfFreshWaterByExhaustGas, http://www.scribd.com/doc/24052023/ ,
    http://intellectualarchive.com #1365 .
    Book "Femtotechnology", Lulu, 2011.
    15) Sea-Extractor-of-Freshwater,
    https://archive.org/details/ProductionOfFreshwaterAndEnergyFromAtmosphere ,
    16) AB-Wind-Wall. Journal "Scientific Israel-Technological Advantages" , Vol.12, #4, 2010.
    http://www.scribd.com/doc/24052321/ Book "Femtotechnology", Lulu, 2009.
    17) Utilization of Wind Energy at High Altitude. Journal "Smart Grid and Renewable Energy",
    2011,#2, pp.75-85. http://www.archive.org/details/UsingOfHighAltitudeWindEnergy , Book: New
    18) Использование Энергии Ветра Больших Высот (In Russian).
    19) "Magnetic Suspended AB-Structures and Motionless Space Stations,"
    has been published online 15 December 2010, in the ASCE, Journal of Aerospace Engineering
    (Vol.24,No.1, 2011, pp.102-111), https://archive.org/details/MagneticSuspendedAb-structures ,
    http://www.scribd.com/doc/25883886/ . http://intellectualarchive.com #1366 .
    20) Природная цель Человечества - стать Богом. http://www.scribd.com/doc/26753118
    21) Natural Purpose of Mankind is to become a God. http://www.scribd.com/doc/26833526
    Book "Femtotechnology", Lulu, 2009. ISBN: 978-1-300-448671-8.
    22) Magnetic Space AB-Accelerator. http://www.scribd.com/doc/26885058 ,
    Book: A.Bolonkin "Femtotechnology and Revolutionary Projects", Lambert, 2011.
    23) Lower Current and Plasma Magnetic Railguns. http://www.scribd.com/doc/31090728
    Propulsion: Types, Technology and Applications. NOVA. 2011. Book "Femtotechnology", Lulu, 2009.
    24) Review of Space Towers. Book: A.Bolonkin, "Femtotechnology and Revolutionary Projects", Lambert,
    2011.. 538 p. 16 Mb.,Ch.13. ISBN: 978-3-8473-0839-0.
    http://viXra.org/abs/1309.0191,http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1002/1002.2405.pdf ,
    http://vixra.org/abs/1310.0009 .
    25) Новые идеи в технологии, технике и оружии. http://www.scribd.com/doc/27785947/,
    26) Превращение материи в ядерную энергию АБ-генератором и фотонные ракеты
    (популярное изложение научной статьи). http://www.scribd.com/doc/45901918/,
    27) Wireless Transfer of Electricity from Continent to Continent.
    International Journal of Sustainable Engineering. 2011. Vol.4, #4, p. 290-300.
    http://www.scribd.com/doc/42721638/, http://intellectualarchive.com #1367
    28) High-Altitude-Long-Distance-Cheap-Aerial-Antenna.
    29) Robot as Person. Personhood. Three Prerequisites or Laws of Robots. Book "Femtotechnology", Lulu,
    2009. http://www.scribd.com/doc/57532296/Robot-as-Person-Personhood-Three-Prerequisites-or-Laws-of-Robots , http://www.archive.org/details/RobotAsPersonpersonhood.ThreePrerequisitesOrLawsOfRobots
    30) Review of new ideas, innovations of non-rocket propulsion systems for Space Launch
    and Flight (Part 1). http://intellectualarchive.com #1368, http://www.scribd.com/doc/54655572/ ,
    Book: A.Bolonkin ,"Femtotechnology and Revolutionary Projects", Lambert, 2011. 538 pgs.
    31) Review of new ideas, innovations of non-rocket propulsion systems for Space Launch
    and Flight (Part 2).
    http://www.scribd.com/doc/54656166/ , Book "Femtotechnology", Lulu, 2009.
    Book: A.Bolonkin "Femtotechnology and Revolutionary Projects", Lambert, 2011.
    32) Review of new ideas, innovations of non-rocket propulsion systems for Space Launch
    and Flight (Part 3).
    http://intellectualarchive.com #1369, http://www.scribd.com/doc/54656800/ ,
       Book "Femtotechnology", Lulu, 2009.
    Book: A.Bolonkin "Femtotechnology and Revolutionary Projects", Lambert, 2011.
    33) Femtotechnology: AB-Needles. Fantastic properties and Applications. Scripd, 2010,
    Journal of Energy Storige and Conversion, Vol.3, #1, January-June 2012, p. 15-41.
    http://vixra.org/abs/1111.0064, http://intellectualarchive.com #1370, http://www.scribd.com/doc/55054819/ ,
    http://vixra.org/pdf/1111.0064v1.pdf , Book: Femtotechnology, Lulu, 2009.
    Published in collection: Propulsion: Types, Technology and Applications. NOVA. 2011.
    34) АБ-материя и иглы. Потрясающие свойства и применение (популярное изложение научной
    33) Space Wing Electro Relativistic AB-Ship.
    I J N N A, 4(2) January-June 2012, pp. 13-19 • ISSN: 0974-6048, Collection "Femto"
    Collection: Interstellar Medium: New Research. NOVA, 2011.
    http://intellectualarchive.com #1371,
    "Floating Cities on Ice Platform". "The Open Ocean Engineering Journal". Vol. 3, 2010, pp. 1-11.
    http://www.benthamscience.com/open/tooej/articles/V003/1TOOEJ.pdf , http://intellectualarchive.com #1371,
    35) Production of Freshwater and Energy from Earth's Atmosphere. Journal "Smart Grid and
    Renewable Energy", 2011,#2, pp.86-98. http://www.scirp/jounal/sqgre/ . Book: New Consepts.2007
    https://archive.org/details/ProductionOfFreshwaterAndEnergyFromAtmosphere_370 .
    http://intellectualarchive.com #1372,
    36) Man in Outer Space without a Special Space Suit. .
    American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2 (4): 573-579, 2009, ISSN 1941-7020.
    Book: A.Bolonkin, "Femtotechnology and Revolutionary Projects", Lambert, 2011.
    37) "Air Transfer of Mechanical Energy", International Journal "Actual problems of aviation and aerospace
    systems: processes, models, experiments" (No. 1(19), v.10, 2005, pp.102-110). Coll. "Non-Rocket..."
    38) Suppression of Forest Fire by Helicopter without Water. Journal "Scientific Israel- Technological
    Advantages" , Vol.12, 4, 2010. http://www.scribd.com/doc/24052503/, http://viXra.org/abs/1410.0015
    Book: A.Bolonkin "Femtotechnology and Revolutionary Projects", Lambert, 2011.
    http://intellectualarchive.com #1374,
    39) "Transparent Inflatable Column Film Dome for Nuclear Stations, Stadiums, and Cities,"
    Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, vol. 2011, Article ID 175492, 13 pages, 2011.
    doi:10.1155/2011/175492. http://www.hindawi.com/journals/stni/2011/175492/
    40) Problems of Science Research and Technical Progress. 2011, 15 pages.
    Together with Neumann and Fridlander. Scientific Israel - Technological
    Advantages Vol. 14, No 1, 2012. http://www.scribd.com/doc/74436485/,
    http://vixra.org/pdf/1112.0001v1.pdf ,
    41) Air Catapult Transportation. NY, USA, Scribd, 2011. http://viXra.org/abs/1310.0065 , IJEE.
    http://www.archive.org/details/AirCatapultTransport, http://intellectualarchive.com #1375,
    Book: Recent Patents on Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Bentham Science
    Publishers, Vol.5, No.3, 2012.
    42) Long Distance Bullets and Shells.
    International Journal of Aerospace Sciences. p-ISSN: 2169-8872,  e-ISSN:2169-8899. 2013;  2(2): 29-36
    http://archive.org/details/LongDistanceBulletsAndShells , http://intellectualarchive.com #1375,
    http://www.scribd.com/doc/99132995/Long-Distance-Bullets-and-Shells ,
    http://viXra.org/abs/1207.0012 (?)
    43) New Self-Propelled Penetration Bomb. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Applications,
    Vol.2, Iss.5, pp.91-105 (2013).
    http://archive.org/details/NewSelf-propelledPenetrationBomb, http://intellectualarchive.com #137,
    44) Delivery of Asteroids to the Earth. IJES, Vol.3, No.2, July-December 2012, pp.55-62.
    http://archive.org/details/CaptureAndDeliveryOfAsteroidToTheEarth .
    https://archive.org/details/TransportationOfAsteroidToTheEarth, http://intellectualarchive.com #138,
    45) Universe (part 1). Relations between Time, Matter, Volume, Distance, and
    Volume 3, #2, pp. 141-154. http://viXra.org/abs/1207.0075 , http://intellectualarchive.com #139,
    http://www.scribd.com/doc/100541327/ ,
    Universe (Part 2): Rolling of Space (Volume, Distance), Time, and Matter
    into a Point. http://www.scribd.com/doc/120693979
    47) "Remarks about Universe" (part 1-2), International Journal of Advanced
    Engineering Applications, IJAEA. Vol.1, Iss.3, pp.62-67 (2012) .
    http://viXra.org/abs/1309.0196 , http://fragrancejournals.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/IJAEA-1-3-10.pdf
    48) Cheap Protection of New York City and New Jersey from Storm.
    http://intellectualarchive.com #1380 .
    http://www.scribd.com/doc/112009139/Article-Protection-of-NY-From-Storm-2006 (In Macro)
    49) Protection of the Earth from Asteroids. http://intellectualarchive.com #1381,
    http://viXra.org/abs/1212.0006, http://archive.org/details/ProtectionOfTheEarthFromTheAsteroid,
    50) Re-Entry Space Apparatus to Earth. General Science Journal, #5289.
    http://www.gsjournal.net/Science-Journals/Research%20Papers-Engineering%20(Applied)/Download/5289 ,
    http://archive.org/details/ReentryOfSpaceCraftToEarthAtmosphere, http://intellectualarchive.com #1381,
    51) Hypersonic Ground Electric AB Engine.
    Academic Journal of Applied Sciences Research (AJASR), Volume-1, Issue-1, 2013.
    http://intellectualarchive.com #1383,
    International Journal of Advanced Engineering Applications, Vol.1, Iss.4, pp.32-43 (2012)
    https://archive.org/details/HypersonicCatapultTransportation .
    52) "Production of Freshwater and Energy from Earth's Atmosphere", Smart Grid and Renewable
    Energy (SGRE), Vol.02 No.02, 2011. 826 downloads and the citations based on the statistics from Google
    Scholar, Please access the following link: Google Scholar (2011). Col. "New Consepts..."
    https://archive.org/details/ProductionOfFreshwaterAndEnergyFromAtmosphere_370 .
    http://intellectualarchive.com #1384,
    53) "Protection of Environment from Damaged Nuclear Station and Transparent Inflatable Blanket for
    Cities. Protection from Radioactive Dust and Chemical, Biological Weapons
    ", Journal of
    Environmental Protection (JEP), Vol. 02 No.04, 2011 , Article has 738 downloads and the citations based
    on the statistics from Google Scholar, Please access the following link: Google Scholar (2011).
    54) Energy Transfers from Airborne Wind Turbine: Review and Comparison of Airborne
    Turbines. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Applications, 2013, Vol.1, Iss.4, pp.44-64
    http://www.scribd.com/doc/138350864/Energy-Transfers-from-Airborne-Wind-Turbine-Review-and- Comparison-of-Airborne-Turbines-Article-Transfer-energy-from-air-borne-turb ,
    http://archive.org/details/EnergyTransfersFromAirborneWindTurbine, http://viXra.org/abs/1304.0159 ,
    55) Underground Explosion Nuclear Energy.
    International Journal of Advanced Engineering Applications, Vol.1, Iss.6, pp.48-61 (2012).
    www.IntellectualArchive.com/getfile.php?file=TOe6vifJr1D&orig_file=Article Explosion Nuclear
    Energy2 for Storage 3 8 13.doc, http://viXra.org/abs/1305.0039 ,
    http://archive.org/details/UndergroundExplosionNuclearEnergy, http://intellectualarchive.com #1385,
    http://fragrancejournals.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/IJAEA-1-6-7.pdf , http://www.scribd.com ,
    www.fragrancejournals.com/IJAEA,Request #284619 .
    56) Inexpensive Mini Thermonuclear Reactor.
    International Journal of Advanced Engineering Applications, Vol.1, Iss.6, pp.62-77 (2012)
    http://archive.org/details/InexpensiveMiniThermonuclearReactor, http://viXra.org/abs/1305.0046
    www.IntellectualArchive.com/getfile.php?file=gIhLJg6ZAaN&orig_file=Article Thermonuclear Reactor
    for Storage 5 7 13.doc (They made "Privet")
    http://ru.scribd.com/doc/140040026/Inexpensive-Mini-Thermonuclear-Reactor-Article-Thermonuclear-Reactor-for-Storage-5-7-13, http://fragrancejournals.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/IJAEA-1-6-8.pdf
    57) Electron Air Hypersonic Propulsion. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Applications, Vol.1,
    Iss.6, pp.42-47 (2012). http://viXra.org/abs/1306.0003, http://intellectualarchive.com #1386,
    http://www.scribd.com/doc/145165015/Electron-Air-Hypersonic-Propulsion ,
    http://www.scribd.com/doc/146179116/Electronic-Air-Hypersonic-Propulsion ,
    http://fragrancejournals.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/IJAEA-1-6-6.pdf .
    58) Electronic Wind Generator.
    Electrical and Power Engineering Frontier Sep. 2013, Vol. 2 Iss. 3, PP. 64-71.
    http://viXra.org/abs/1306.0046 , www.IntellectualArchive.com, http://intellectualarchive.com #1387,
    59) Electron Hydro Electric Generator. , International Journal of Advanced Engineering Applications.
    ISSN: 2321-7723 (Online), Special Issue I, 2013.
    http://fragrancejournals.com/?page_id=18, http://viXra.org/abs/1306.0196,
    http://www.scribd.com/doc/149489902/Electron-Hydro-Electric-Generator , #1089
    http://archive.org/details/ElectronHydroElectricGenerator_532, http://intellectualarchive.com,
    60) Electron Super Speed Hydro Propulsion.
    International Journal of Advanced Engineering Applications, Special Issue 1, pp.15-19 (2013)
    http://viXra.org/abs/1306.0195, http://archive.org/details/ElectronSuperSpeedHydroPropulsion
    http://intellectualarchive.com . #1090
    61) Electric Theory of Tornado. Protection from Tornado.
    International Journal of Advanced Engineering Applications. ISSN: 2321-7723 (Online),
    Volume 2, Issue 5 (October, 2013). http://fragrancejournals.com/?page_id=18 ,
    http://viXra.org/abs/1307.0061 , http://www.IntellectualArchive.com/getfile.php?file=fpOfnue4R7K&orig_file=Article Electric Theory of
    Tornado2 for Storige 7 9 13.docx, #1100.  
    62) Femtotechnology. AB-matter. Properties, Stability, Possibility Production and Applications.
       EPEF, GBS, Con.FEMR, RAEEE (answer in Info 1 28 14)
       63) Stability and Production Super-Strong AB Matter.
    International Journal of Advanced Engineering Applications. 3-1-3, February 2014, pp.18-33.
    The General Science Journal, November, 2013, #5244.
    http://www.scribd.com/doc/193675800/Stability-and-Production-Super-Strong-AB-matter ,
    http://viXra.org/abs/1312.0017. http://viXra.org/, reference 7805268,
    https://archive.org/details/StabilityAndProductionSuper-strongAb-matter ,
    http://www.IntellectualArchive.com/ Reference #1178
    GSJ 1 8 14.
       64) Universe (Part 3). Relations between Charge, Time, Matter, Volume, Distance, and Energy.
    The General Science Journal, #5245. IJAEA, GSJ,
    http://www.gsjournal.net/Science-Journals/Research%20Papers-Mechanics%20/%20Electrodynamics/Download/5245 , http://viXra.org/abs/1401.0075,
       http://www.scribd.com/doc/197830994, http://www.IntellectualArchive.com/ Reference #1192 ,
    http://www.IntellectualArchive.com/getfile.php?file=gwBJfgtbOeS&orig_file=Article Universe3 after Friedlander 01 09 14.doc
       65) Provisional patent application "Method and installation for cleaning the outer debris"
    http://vixra.org/abs/1403.0669 , http://intellectualarchive.com/?link=find#result #1242, http://www.scibd/doc/213887553 , http://www.IntellectualArchive.com #1388,
       66) Electric Hypersonic Space Aircraft. http://GSJournal.net , http://intellectualarchive.com, #1288; http://vixra.org/abs/1407.0011 , 1 July 2014; http://www.scibd/doc/232209230, http://archive.org/details/ElectricHypersonicaircraft, .
       67) Electrostatic Generator and Electric Transfomer, http://Vixra.org/abs/1407.0016, http://GSJournal.net, 2 July 2014; http://intellectualarchive.com, #1289;
       68) Jet generator. http://GSJournal.net, http://Vixra.org/abs/1407.0180 , https://archive.org/details/
       69) Method for Interstellar Flight. . http://GSJournal.net, http://Vixra.org/abs/1408.0055, https://archive.org/details/ , http://intellectualarchive.com, #1312;
       70) Terroformating of planets and Space Objects. http://GSJournal.net, http://Vixra.org/abs/1408.0239, http://intellectualarchive.com, #1323.
    http://archive.org/details/TerroformatingOfPlanetsAndSpaceObjects .
       Some Collections having Bolonkin's articles:
    1) Macro-engineering Seawater in Unique Environments. Springer. 2010.
       1. The Bering Strait Seawater Deflector (BSSD): Arctic Tundra Preservation Using an Immersed, Scalable and Removable Fiberglass Curtain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 741
       Richard B. Cathcart, Alexander A. Bolonkin and Radu D. Rugescu
       2. A Novel Macro-Engineering Approach to Seawater Desalination . . . . 675
       Alexander A. Bolonkin, Shmuel Neumann and Joseph J. Friedlander
       3. Macro-Engineering Lake Eyre with Imported Seawater . . . . . . . . . . . 553
       Viorel Badescu, Richard B. Cathcart, Marius Paulescu, Paul Gravila and Alexander A. Bolonkin

    2) Handbook on Solar Wind: Effects, Dynamics and Interactions. NOVA. 2009.

    1. Electrostatic Solar Light - Wind Sail, pp. 353-365  (Alexander Bolonkin, C & R, Brooklyn, NY) 
    2. AB - Solar and Solar Wind Sail, pp. 367-378. (Alexander Bolonkin). 
    3. Electrostatic Magsail.p. 379-389 . (Alexander Bolonkin,). 

    3) Interstellar Medium: New Research. NOVA, 2011.
    1) Space Wing Electro AB-Ship. (Alexander Bolonkin, C&R, Brooklyn, New York, USA). 

    4) Propulsion: Types, Technology and Applications. NOVA. 2011.
       1) Review of New Ideas, Innovation of Non-Rocket Propulsion Systems for Space Launch and Flight -
    (Part 1) . (Alexander Bolonkin, C&R, Brooklyn, New York, USA) 
    2) Review of New Ideas, Innovations of Non-Rocket Propulsion Systems for Space Launch and Flight
    - (Part 2) . (Alexander Bolonkin, C&R, NJIT, Brooklyn, New York, USA) 
    3) Review of New Ideas, Innovations of Non-Rocket Propulsion Systems for Space Launch and Flight -
    (Part 3) . (Alexander Bolonkin, C&R, NJIT, Brooklyn, New York, USA) 
    4) Superconductivity Space Accelerator . (Alexander Bolonkin, C&R, Brooklyn, New York, USA) 
    5) Femtotechnology: AB-Needles - Fantastic Properties and Applications in Propulsion System and
    Aerospace . (A.A. Bolonkin, C&R, Brooklyn New York, USA) 
    6) Lower Current and Plasma Magnetic RailGun . (A. Bolonkin, C&R, Brooklyn, New York, USA) 
       5) Collection Mars. Springer. 2009.
    Ch.10. New Solutions for Nuclear Energy and Flights on Mars, pp.287-330.
    Ch.23. Artificial Environments on Mars. Pp.599-628.
       6) Collection Macro-Engineering. A Challenge for the Future. Springer. 2006.
    1) Space Towers. Pp.121-150.
    2) Cable Anti-Gravitator. Electrostatic Levitation and Artificial Gravity. Pp.175-214.

    Journal "Scientific Israel-Technological Advantages", Israel, Vol.13, #1, 2011, pp.45-64.
    8) Bolonkin A.A., Production water by exhaust gas of electric and heat plants.
    Journal "Scientific Israel-Technological Advantages". Vol.13, #1, 2011, pp.65-71.
    9) Bolonkin A.A., A Cheap Inflatable High Altitude Gas Pipeline. The Open Petroleum Engineering Journal,
    2009, 2, 24-35. http://www.benthamscience.com/open/topej/articles/V002/24TOPEJ.pdf
    10) Alexander A. Bolonkin, Aerial high altitude gas pipeline.
    Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering (July 2010), 2 (2-3), pg. 114-121 

    11) Bolonkin A.A.,
    Journal "Scientific Israel-Technological Advantages" (SITA), Vol.12, 4, 2010
       12) Protection of Environment from Damaged Nuclear Station and Transparent Inflatable Blanket for Cities--Protection from Radioactive Dust and Chemical, Biological Weapons.
    Alexander Bolonkin, Journal of Environmental Protection , Volume 02, Number 04 (June 2011).
    PP.327-341, Pub. Date: 2011-06-17,
    Abstract | References   Full Paper: PDF (Size:2150KB), PP.327-341, Pub. Date: 2011-06- 17, Downloads: 322  DOI: 10.4236/jep.2011.24037
    Scientific Israel - Technological Advantages Vol.14, No 1, 2012.
    14) Journal "Smart Grid & Renewable Energy", http://www.scirp.org/journal/Home.aspx?IssueID=766
    Open   Access
       15) Using of High Altitude Wind Energy
       Alexander Bolonkin
       Abstract | References Full-Text PDF, PP. 75-85, Pub. Date: May 19, 2011
       DOI: 10.4236/sgre.2011.22010, Downloads: 1336 Google Scholar Open Access Library
       Open   Access
       16) Production of Freshwater and Energy from Earth's Atmosphere
       Alexander Bolonkin
       Abstract | References Full-Text PDF, PP. 86-98, Pub. Date: May 19, 2011
       DOI: 10.4236/sgre.2011.22011, Downloads: 1014 Google Scholar Open Access Library
       17) International Journal of Neural Networks and Applications (IJNNA), ISSN: 0974-6048
    1. I J N N A, 4(2) January-June 2012, pp. 1-11 • ISSN: 0974-6048, A.Bolonkin
    I J N N A, 4(2) January-June 2012, pp. 13-19 • ISSN: 0974-6048
    I J N N A, 4(2) January-June 2012, pp. 21-25 • ISSN: 0974-6048
       18) International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, Volume 4, Issue 4, 2011
    1)A. Bolonkin, Trans-ocean wireless transfer of electricity from continent to continent
    2) Alexander Bolonkin, (2007) "Transfer of electricity in space",
    Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 79 Iss: 3, pp.273 - 282

    Alexander Bolonkin, (2006) "Electrostatic linear engine",
    Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 78 Iss: 6, pp.502 - 508
    List of some publications by Bolonkin: http://www.scribd.com/doc/63456356/
       19) JTT (Journal of Transportation Technology)
       Protection of Environment from Damaged Nuclear Station and Transparent Inflatable Blanket for Cities--Protection from Radioactive Dust and Chemical, Biological Weapons
    Alexander Bolonkin Abstract | References Full Paper: PDF (2150KB), , PP. 327-341, Pub. Date: June 17, 2011
    DOI: 10.4236/jep.2011.24037, Downloads: 731 Google Scholar (2011)
       http://scholar.google.com/scholar?start=40&q=Using+of+High+Altitude+Wind+Energy+author:Alexander+author:Bolonkin&hl=en&as_sdt=0,33 Note 48 Bolonkin's works 1-18-2013.
    To: A. Bolonkin. Your paper"Using of High Altitude Wind Energy" was published in Smart Grid and Renewable Energy(SGRE), Vol.02 No.02, 2011 , Article has 1063 downloads and the citations based on the statistics from Google Scholar, Please access the following link: Google Scholar.
       Your paper published in Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (SGRE), Vol.02 No.02, 2011 , entitled "Production of Freshwater and Energy from Earth's Atmosphere" has 826 downloads and the citations based on the statistics from Google Scholar, Please access the following link: Google Scholar.
       Your paper published in Journal of Environmental Protection (JEP), Vol.02 No.04, 2011 , entitled "Protection of Environment from Damaged Nuclear Station and Transparent Inflatable Blanket for CitiesaЂђЂProtection from Radioactive Dust and Chemical, Biological Weapons" has 738 downloads and the citations based on the statistics from Google Scholar, Please access the following link: Google Scholar
       International Journal of Advanced Engineering Applications, Vol.1, Iss.3-4, 2013
       4. "Hypersonic Launcher", Alexander Bolonkin, IJAEA-1-4-4
    5. "Flight Wind Turbines", Alexander Bolonkin, IJAEA-1-4-5
    10. "Remarks about Universe", Alexander Bolonkin, IJAEA-1-3-10
       Same old books by A.Bolonkin
    1.Болонкин А.А., Теория полета летающих моделей. Москва, ДОСААФ, 1962г. 326 стр..
    Book: Bolonkin A.A., Theory of flight models. Moscow, DOSAAF, 1962, 326 pgs. Russian.
    http://www.padabum.com/d.php?id=9976 , http://jmk- project.narod.ru/b/Bolonkin62_Teoria_fly_models/cont.htm
       2. Bolonkin A.A., New methods of optimization and their applications. Moscow, MHTU named Bauman,1972,
    220 pgs, (in Russian). Microfilm is in Central Russian State Library (Moscow) Ф 801-83/869-6
       International Journal of Advanced Engineering Applications, Vol.1, Iss.3-4, 2013
       1. "Hypersonic Launcher", Alexander Bolonkin, IJAEA-1-4-4
    2. "Flight Wind Turbines", Alexander Bolonkin, IJAEA-1-4-5
    3. "Remarks about Universe", Alexander Bolonkin, IJAEA-1-3-10
       Article (45) by A.Bolonkin in http://arxiv.org (2004-2007) (Loading is free)
       1. Magnetic Space Launcher. 2007. Abstract http://arxiv.org/abs/0903.5008
    Paper: http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/0903/0903.5008.pdf
       2. AB Blanket for Cities (for continual pleasant weather and protection from
    chemical, biological and radioactive weapons).
       3. A Cheap Levitating Gas/Load Pipeline. http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/0812/0812.0588.pdf
       4. Magnetic Propeller for Uniform Magnetic Field Levitation.
       5. In Outer Space without a Space Suit? http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/0806/0806.3792.pdf
       6. AB-Electronic Tubes and Quasi-Superconductivity at Room Temperature.
       7. Floating Cities, Islands and States. http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/0804/0804.0754.pdf
       8. Thermonuclear Reflect AB-Reactor. http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/0803/0803.3776.pdf
       9. AB Space Engine. http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/0803/0803.0089.pdf
       10. AB-Net Method of Protection from Projectiles (city, military base, battle-front, etc.)
       11. Protection of Cities from Small Rockets, Missiles, Projectiles and Mortar Shells
       12. Cheap Artificial AB-Mountains, Extraction of Water and Energy from Atmosphere and
    Change of Regional Climate. http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/0801/0801.4820.pdf .
       13. Cheap Method for Shielding a City from Rocket and Nuclear Warhead Impacts.
       14. AB Method of Irrigation without Water (Closed-loop water cycle).
       15. Protection of New York City Urban Fabric With Low-Cost Textile Storm Surge Barriers.
       16. AB Levitrons and their Applications to Earth's Motionless Satellites.
       17. Inflatable Dome for Moon, Mars, Asteroids and Satellites
       18. Global Sea Level Stabilization-Sand Dune Fixation: A Solar-powered Sahara Seawater
    Textile Pipeline. http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/0707/0707.3234.pdf
       19. New AB-Thermonuclear Reactor for Aerospace.
       20. Electrostatic Climber for Space Elevator and Launcher.
       21. Optimal Electrostatic Space Tower (Mast, New Space Elevator).
       22. Extraction of Freshwater and Energy from Atmosphere.
       23. Passenger life-saving in a badly damaged aircraft scenario.
       24. Lake Titicaca - Physics of an Inherited Hydropower Macroproject Proposal
       25. AB Levitator and Electricity Storage. http://arxiv.org/ftp/physics/papers/0703/0703013.pdf
       26. The Golden Gate Textile Barrier: Preserving California Bay of San Francisco from a Rising
       North Pacific Ocean. http://arxiv.org/ftp/physics/papers/0702/0702030.pdf
       27. Design of Optimal Regulators. http://arxiv.org/ftp/math/papers/0701/0701551.pdf
       28. Simplest AB-Thermonuclear Space Propulsion and Electric Generator .
       29. Air Observe System. http://arxiv.org/ftp/physics/papers/0701/0701115.pdf
       30. Utilization of Wind Energy at High Altitude
       31. Ocean Terracing. http://arxiv.org/ftp/physics/papers/0701/0701100.pdf
       32. The Java-Sumatra Aerial Mega-Tramway
       33. Inflatable Evergreen Polar Zone Dome (EPZD) Settlements
       34. Control of Regional and Global Weather
       35. Micro -Thermonuclear AB-Reactors for Aerospace
       36. A New Method of Atmospheric Reentry for Space Ships
       37. Optimal Solid Space Tower. http://arxiv.org/ftp/physics/papers/0701/0701093.pdf
       38. High Speed AB-Solar Sail. http://arxiv.org/ftp/physics/papers/0701/0701073.pdf
       39. Electrostatic AB-Ramjet Space Propulsion http://arxiv.org/ftp/physics/papers/0701/0701073.pdf
       40. A Low-Cost Natural Gas/Freshwater Aerial Pipeline
       41. Theory of Space Magnetic Sail Some Common Mistakes and Electrostatic MagSail .
       42. Cheap Textile Dam Protection of Seaport Cities against Hurricane Storm Surge Waves,
    Tsunamis, and Other Weather-Related Floods
       43. Wireless Transfer of Electricity in Outer Space.
       44. Beam Space Propulsion. http://arxiv.org/ftp/physics/papers/0701/0701057.pdf
       45. Antarctica: A Southern Hemisphere Wind power Station?
       Journal-ref: Bolonkin, A.A. (2004) Utilization of Wind Energy at High Altitude, Presented at International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference at Providence, RI, 16-19 August 2004, AIAA-2004-5705. http://arxiv.org/ftp/physics/papers/0701/0701055.pdf
       Bolonkin's reports (41) in AIAA (The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) Conferences (Loading of 1-st page is free). http://AIAA.org
    1. Electrostatic Climber for Space Elevator and Launcher

    Alexander Bolonkin CandR, Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    43rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Cincinnati, OH, July 8-11, 2007 . http://pdf.aiaa.org/preview/CDReadyMJPC07_1492/PV2007_5838.pdf
    0x01 graphic
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       2. Electrostatic Linear Engine

    Alexander Bolonkin CandR, Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    42nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Sacramento, California, July 9-12, 2006 http://pdf.aiaa.org/preview/CDReadyMJPC06_1178/PV2006_5229.pdf
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       3. Electrostatic Solar Wind Propulsion System

    Alexander Bolonkin , Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Tucson, Arizona, July 10-13, 2005 http://pdf.aiaa.org/preview/CDReadyMJPC2005_1177/PV2005_3653.pdf
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       4. Thermonuclear Reflect AB-Reactor for Aerospace

    Alexander Bolonkin CandR, Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    44th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Hartford, CT, July 21-23, 2008 http://pdf.aiaa.org/preview/CDReadyMJPC08_1874/PV2008_5150.pdf
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       5. Beam Space Propulsion

    Alexander Bolonkin C and R Company, Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    Space 2006, San Jose, California, Sep. 19-21, 2006 http://pdf.aiaa.org/preview/CDReadyMSPACE06_1393/PV2006_7492.pdf
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       6. Micro-Thermonuclear AB-Reactors for Aerospace

    Alexander Bolonkin CandR, Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    14th AIAA/AHI Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, Canberra, Australia, Nov. 6-9, 2006 http://pdf.aiaa.org/preview/CDReadyMHYP06_1276/PV2006_8104.pdf
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       7. Electrostatic Space Towers

    Alexander Bolonkin CandR, Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    AIAA SPACE 2007 Conference and Exposition, Long Beach, California, Sep. 18-20, 2007 http://pdf.aiaa.org/preview/CDReadyMSPACE07_1808/PV2007_6201.pdf
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       8. High Speed Catapult Aviation

    Alexander Bolonkin CandR Company, Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference and Exhibit, San Francisco, California, Aug. 15-18, 2005

    0x01 graphic
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       9. High Efficiency Transfer of Mechanical Energy

    Alexander Bolonkin Eglin AFB, Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    2nd International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Providence, Rhode Island, Aug. 16-19, 2004
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       10. AB-Space Propulsion

    Alexander Bolonkin CandR, Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    44th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Hartford, CT, July 21-23, 2008
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       11. Wireless Transfer of Electricity in Outer Space

    Alexander Bolonkin CandR, Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, Jan. 8-11, 2007
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       12. Electrostatic Utilization of Asteroids for Space Flight

    Alexander Bolonkin , Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Tucson, Arizona, July 10-13, 2005
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       13. Kinetic Anti-Gravitator

    Alexander Bolonkin , Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Tucson, Arizona, July 10-13, 2005
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       14. Developing Conception of Faraday Motor. Space Trolley Buss

    Alexander Bolonkin CandR, Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES; Mark Krinker City University of New York, Bronx, NY, UNITED STATES
    AIAA SPACE 2009 Conference and Exposition, Pasadena, California, Sep. 14-17, 2009
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       15. Utilization of Wind Energy at High Altitude

    Alexander Bolonkin Eglin AFB, Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    2nd International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Providence, Rhode Island, Aug. 16-19, 2004
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       16. Magnetic Field-Based Conception of an Orbital Flight

    Alexander Bolonkin CandR, Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES; Mark Krinker CUNY, Bronx, NY, UNITED STATES
    45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Denver, Colorado, Aug. 2-5, 2009

    0x01 graphic
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       17. Sling Rotary Space Launcher

    Alexander Bolonkin , Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Tucson, Arizona, July 10-13, 2005
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       18. New High Speed AB-Solar Sail

    Alexander Bolonkin CandR, Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    42nd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Sacramento, California, July 9-12, 2006
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       19. Magnetic Space Launcher

    Alexander Bolonkin CandR, Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES; Mark Krinker City University of New York, Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Denver, Colorado, Aug. 2-5, 2009
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       20. Magnetic Propeller for Uniform Magnetic Field Levitation

    Mark Krinker CandR, Bronx, NY, UNITED STATES; Alexander Bolonkin CandR, Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    44th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Hartford, CT, July 21-23, 2008
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       21. Guided Solar Sail and Energy Generator

    Alexander Bolonkin , Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Tucson, Arizona, July 10-13, 2005
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       22. Passenger Life-Saving in a Badly Damaged Aircraft Scenario

    Alexander Bolonkin CandR, Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    43rd AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Cincinnati, OH, July 8-11, 2007
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       23. Optimal Solid Space Tower

    Alexander Bolonkin CandR, Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, Jan. 8-11, 2007
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       24. Radioisotope Space Sail and Electro-Generator

    Alexander Bolonkin , Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Tucson, Arizona, July 10-13, 2005
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    25. Problems of Electrostatic Levitation and Artificial Gravity

    Alexander Bolonkin , Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Tucson, Arizona, July 10-13, 2005
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       26. A New Type of Thermonuclear Reactor for Aerospace

    Alexander Bolonkin C and R Technologies, Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    Space 2006, San Jose, California, Sep. 19-21, 2006
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       27. Air Cable Transport System

    Alexander Bolonkin,
    Journal of Aircraft 2003
    0021-8669 vol.40 no.2 (265-269)
    doi: 10.2514/2.3118
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    28. Design of Optimal Regulators

    Alexander Bolonkin Air Force Research Laboratory, Eglin AFB, FL, UNITED STATES; Robert Sierakowski Air Force Research Laboratory, Eglin AFB, FL, UNITED STATES
    2nd AIAA "Unmanned Unlimited" Conf. and Workshop and Exhibit, San Diego, California, Sep. 15-18, 2003
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       29. Converting of Matter to Energy by AB-Generator and Photon Rocket

    Alexander Bolonkin CandR, Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Denver, Colorado, Aug. 2-5, 2009
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       30. Geometry-Based Parametric Modeling For Single-Pursuer Multiple Evader Problems

    A. Bolonkin, Eglin AF Base; R. Murphey, Eglin AF Base
    Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 2005
    0731-5090 vol.28 no.1 (145-149)
    doi: 10.2514/1.4959
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       31. Method for finding a global minimum

    Bolonkin, A. A., USAF, Flight Dynamics Directorate, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH; Khot, N. S., USAF, Flight Dynamics Directorate, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
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       32. Theory of Space Magnetic Sail Some Common Mistakes and Electrostatic MagSail

    Alexander Bolonkin CandR, Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    14th AIAA/AHI Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, Canberra, Australia, Nov. 6-9, 2006
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       33. Geometry-Based Parametric Modeling for Single Pursuer Multiple Evader Problems

    Alexander Bolonkin Air Force Research Laboratory, Eglin AFB, FL, UNITED STATES; Robert Murphey Air Force Research Laboratory, Eglin AFB, FL, UNITED STATES
    2nd AIAA "Unmanned Unlimited" Conf. and Workshop and Exhibit, San Diego, California, Sep. 15-18, 2003
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       34. A New Method of Atmospheric Reentry for Space Shuttles

    Alexander Bolonkin CandR, Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    11th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Portsmouth, Virginia, Sep. 6-8, 2006
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       35. Theory of Space Magnetic Sail and Electrostatic MagSail

    Alexander Bolonkin CandR, Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, Jan. 8-11, 2007
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       36. Some Optimal Problems in Search, Observation, and Attack

    Alexander Bolonkin Air Force Research Laboratory, Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES; James Cloutier U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory, Eglin AFB, FL, UNITED STATES
    AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference and Exhibit, San Francisco, California, Aug. 15-18, 2005
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       37. Inflatable Dome for Moon, Mars, Asteroids, and Satellites

    Alexander Bolonkin CandR, Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES
    AIAA SPACE 2007 Conference and Exposition, Long Beach, California, Sep. 18-20, 2007
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       38. Hypersonic Gas-Rocket Launch System

    Alexander Bolonkin NJIT, Fort Walton Beach, FL, UNITED STATES
    38th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Indianapolis, Indiana, July 7-10, 2002
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       39. Overview of Advanced Concepts for Space Access

    Andrew Ketsdever, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory; Marcus Young, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory; Jason Mossman, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory; Anthony Pancotti, ERC, Inc.
    Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 2010
    0022-4650 vol.47 no.2 (238-250)
    doi: 10.2514/1.46148
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       40. Search and Attack Strategies

    Alexander Bolonkin U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory, Eglin AFB, FL, UNITED STATES; James Cloutier U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory, Eglin AFB, FL, UNITED STATES
    AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, San Francisco, California, Aug. 15-18, 2005
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       41. Search and Attack Strategies

    Alexander Bolonkin Eglin AFB, Brooklyn, NY, UNITED STATES; James Cloutier Eglin AFB, Eglin, FL, UNITED STATES
    AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, Providence, Rhode Island, Aug. 16-19, 2004
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       JBIS (Journal of British Interplanetary Society). http://www.bls-spaceflight.com

    1. A cable Space Transport System at the Earth's Poles to Support Exploration of the Moon,
    JBIS, Vol.59, No. 10, Oct. 2006, pp. 375-380.
    2. Kinetic Space Towers and Launchers, Vol.57, No.1/2, Jan/Feb., 2004, pp.33-39.
    3. Hypersonic Gas-Rocket Launcher of High Capacity, Vol.57, No.5/6, May/June 2004,
    pp. 162-172.
    4. Light Multi-Reflex Engine, Vol.57, No. 9/10, Sep/Oct. 2004, pp. 353-359.
    5. Multi-Reflex Propulsion Systems for space and Air Vehicles and Energy Transfer
    for Long Distance, Vol.57, No.11/12, Nov/Dec. 2004, pp. 379-390.
    6. Earth Accelerator for Space Ships and Missiles, Vol.56, No.11/12, Nov/Dec. 2003,
    pp. 394-403.
    7. Non-Rocket Transport System for Space Travel, Vol. 56, No.7/8, July/Aug., 2003,
    pp. 231-249.
    8. Centrifugal Keeper for Space Stations and Satellites, Vol. 56, No.9/10, Sep/Oct., 2003,
    9. Optimal Inflatable Space Towers with 3 - 100 km Height, Vol.56, No. Ў, March/Apr.,
    2003, pp.87-96.
       Journal AEAT (Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology). http://www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?issn=0002-2667
       1.Non-Rocket Space Launch and Flight
    Type: Book.
    Author(s): A. Bolonkin
    Source: Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology Volume: 78 Issue: 5 2006
    Please login  |  Abstract  [ HTML available ]  |  Related items
       Electrostatic linear engine
    Type: Research paper
    Author(s): Alexander Bolonkin
    Source: Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology Volume: 78 Issue: 6 2006
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      |  Abstract & purchase  [ HTML & PDF (649kb) available ]  |  Related items  |  Reprints & permissionsPurpose - To suggest a new revolutionary electrostatic linear engine. Design/methodology/approach - Methods of the electrostatic physic are used for research. Findings - Theory of this engine is developed and its possibilities researched.Research limitations/implications - This engine gives a big thrust (up 4?в?105 N/m2), uses a high voltage electricity and light wires.Practical implications - This engine can be used as a linear engine (accelerator), as a strong space launcher, as a high speed delivery system for space elevator, Earth-Moon cable transport space, for an electrostatic levitation train, as a conventional high voltage rotating engine, as an electrostatic electric generator weapon (high speed gun), and so on. Theory of engine applications was developed and it shows powerful possibilities in space, transport and military industries. The projects are computed and show the good potential of the offered new concept. Originality/value - Succeeds in proposing a new revolutionary electrostatic linear engine.
       Beam space propulsion
    Type: Research paper
    Author(s): Alexander Bolonkin
    Source: Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology Volume: 80 Issue: 2 2008
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       Electrostatic AB-Ramjet space propulsion for interplanetary flight
    Type: Research paper
    Author(s): Alexander Bolonkin
    Source: Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology Volume: 79 Issue: 1 2007
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      |  Abstract & purchase  [ HTML & PDF (797kb) available ]  |  Related items  |  Reprints & permissions Purpose - The paper seeks to propose and analyze a new electrostatic ramjet space engine. Design/methodology/approach - The upper atmosphere (85-1,000?km) is extremely dense in ions (millions per cubic cm). The interplanetary medium contains positive protons from the solar wind. A charged ball collects the ions (protons) from the surrounding area and a special electric engine accelerates the ions to achieve thrust or decelerates the ions to achieve drag. The thrust may have a magnitude of several Newtons. If the ions are decelerated, the engine produces a drag and generates electrical energy. The theory of the new engine is developed. Findings - It is shown that the proposed engine driven by a solar battery (or other energy source) cannot only support satellites in their orbit for a very long time but can also work as a launcher of space apparatus. The latter capability includes launch to high orbit, to the Moon, to far space, or to the Earth's atmosphere (as a return thruster for space apparatus or as a killer of space debris). The proposed ramjet is very useful in interplanetary trips to far planets because it can simultaneously produce thrust or drag and large electric energy using the solar wind. Originality/value - Two scenarios, launch into the upper Earth atmosphere and an interplanetary trip, are simulated and the results illustrate the excellent possibilities of the new concept.
       Simplest AB-thermonuclear space propulsion and electric generator
    Type: Research paper
    Author(s): Alexander Bolonkin
    Source: Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology Volume: 80 Issue: 1 2008
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      |  Abstract & purchase  [ HTML & PDF (175kb) available ]  |  Related items  |  Reprints & permissions Purpose - This paper aims to suggest a new thermonuclear space propulsion and electric generator for aerospace. Design/methodology/approach - Methods of thermonuclear physics are used for research. Findings - The paper applies, develops and researches mini-sized Micro-AB thermonuclear reactors for space propulsion and space power systems. These small engines directly convert the high-speed charged particles produced in the thermonuclear reactor into vehicle thrust or vehicle electricity with maximum efficiency. The simplest AB-thermonuclear propulsion offered allows spaceships to reach speeds of 20,000-50,000?km/s (1/6 of light speed) for fuel ratio 0.1 and produces a huge amount of useful electric energy. The offered propulsion system permits flight to any planet of the solar system in a short time and to the nearest non-Sun stars by E-being or intellectual robots during a single human life period. Research limitations/implications - Technical limitations may be apparent. Originality/value - The theory of this propulsion and electric generator is developed and possibilities researched.
       Transfer of electricity in space
    Type: Research paper
    Author(s): Alexander Bolonkin
    Source: Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology Volume: 79 Issue: 3 2007
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      |  Abstract & purchase  [ HTML & PDF (436kb) available ]  |  Related items  |  Reprints & permissions Purpose - This paper aims to suggest and research a revolutionary method-transfer of electricity in outer Space with distance of hundreds of millions kilometers by ultra-cool plasma cables.Design/methodology/approach - Methods of the plasma and electricity physic are used for research.Findings - Theory of plasma cable transferring is offered, developed and its possibilities researched. Research limitations/implications - This method uses a high voltage electricity and plasma source (accelerator). Practical implications - Offers conclusions from the research of a revolutionary new idea-transferring electric energy in the hard vacuum of outer space wirelessly, using a plasma power cord as an electric cable (wire). He computed the macroprojects: transference of hundreds kilowatts of energy to Earth's Space Station, transferring energy to the Moon or back, transferring energy to a spaceship at distance 100 million of kilometers, the transfer energy to Mars when one is located at opposite side of the distant Sun, transfer colossal energy from one of Earth's continents to another continent (for example, between Europe - USA) wirelessly - using Earth's ionosphere as cable, using Earth as gigantic storage of electric energy, using the plasma ring as huge MagSail for moving of spaceships. Originality/value - The paper provides information on a revolutionary method for the transfer of electricity in outer space.
       Passenger life-saving in a badly damaged aircraft scenario
    Type: Research paper
    Author(s): Alexander Bolonkin
    Source: Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology Volume: 80 Issue: 6 2008
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      |  Abstract & purchase  [ HTML & PDF (627kb) available ]  |  Related items  |  Reprints & permissions Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to suggest and research a method for passenger life-saving in a badly damaged aircraft scenario.Design/methodology/approach - The small parachute, brake rocket and inflatable pillow are used for research and design. Theory of braking is offered, researched, developed and the brake possibilities are computed.Findings - It is shown here that previous works which have proposed using only parachutes are useless because these failed to consider the likely overload of the parachute jerk stress (at the moment of parachute release) and the impact of aircraft on the Earth's surface. These jerks and impacts destroy aircraft and kill passengers.Research limitations/implications - This method is limited by an additional weight of the brake system. Practical implications - Offered is a new method for saving passenger lives in any catastrophic situation, including total failure of aircraft control, extreme damage and loss aircraft wings, tail, breakdown all propelling engines, etc. Originality/value - Offered is a connected series of related technical innovations which overcome obvious difficulties and allow for a soft, near zero speed landing in any topographically suitable place, allowing potential to save aircraft. This method may be applied to all existing airplanes and increases their weight only about 1.5/2.5 per cent. Also, the method may be used for vertically landing the already built aircraft, for example, when any runway is damaged or would become overloaded.
       AB levitator and electricity storage
    Type: General review
    Author(s): Alexander Bolonkin
    Source: Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology Volume: 80 Issue: 4 2008
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      |  Abstract & purchase  [ HTML & PDF (379kb) available ]  |  Related items  |  Reprints & permissions Purpose - This paper aims to suggest a new revolutionary method and installation for flight on Earth and into outer space. Design/methodology/approach - Methods of electromagnetic physics are used for research and the theory of levitation vehicles is developed and its possibilities researched.Findings - It was found that levitation devices and electricity storage make a jump in aviation, space, storage and transfer energy and many branches of industry. Practical implications - Many projects were calculated using different versions of the offered AB engine: a small device for levitation-flight of a human (including flight from Earth to outer space), fly VTOL car (track), big VTOL aircraft, suspended low-altitude stationary satellite, powerful Space Shuttle-like booster for travel to the Moon and Mars without spending energy (spent energy is replenished in braking when the ship returns from another planet to its point of origin), using AB-devices in military, in sea-going ships (submarines), in energy industry (for example, as small storage of electric energy) and so on. The vehicles equipped with AB propulsion can take flight for days and cover distances of 10,000s of kilometers at hypersonic or extra-atmosphere space speeds. Originality/value - The paper promises a new revolutionary method of flight on Earth and into outer space.
       Micro-thermonuclear AB-reactors for aviation
    Type: Research paper
    Author(s): Alexander Bolonkin
    Source: Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology Volume: 79 Issue: 6 2007
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      |  Abstract & purchase  [ HTML & PDF (734kb) available ]  |  Related items  |  Reprints & permissionsPurpose - The paper's aim is to suggest a new micro-thermonuclear reactor for aerospace. Design/methodology/approach - Methods of the thermonuclear physics are used for the research. Findings - The result is new micro-thermonuclear reactor with very small fuel pellet that uses plasma confinement generated by multi-reflection of laser beam or its own magnetic field. The Lawson criterion increases by hundreds of times. The author also suggests a new method of heating the power-making fuel pellet by outer electric current as well as new direct method of transformation of ion kinetic energy into harvestable electricity. These offered innovations dramatically decrease the size, weight and cost of thermonuclear reactor, installation, propulsion system and electric generator. Practical implications - The author is researching the efficiency of these innovations for two types of the micro-thermonuclear reactors: multi-reflection reactor (inertial confinement fusion) and self-magnetic reactor (magnetic confinement fusion).Originality/value - The author offers several innovations. Results may be used for the design of thermonuclear aerospace engines, propulsion and electric generators.
       . Optimal trajectories of air and space vehicles
    Type: Research paper
    Author(s): Alexander Bolonkin
    Source: Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology Volume: 76 Issue: 2 2004
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      |  Abstract & purchase  [ HTML & PDF (1867kb) available ]  |  Related items  |  Reprints & permissionsThe author developed a theory of optimal trajectories for air vehicles with variable wing area and conventional wings. He applied a new theory of singular optimal solutions and obtained the optimal flight in many cases. At first glance, the results may seem strange however, this is correct and this paper will show how this new theory may be used. The main idea of the research is in using the vehicle's kinetic energy for increasing the range of missiles and projectiles. The author shows that the range of a ballistic warhead can be increased 3-4 times if an optimal wing is added to the ballistic warhead, especially a wing with variable area. If increased range is not needed, the warhead mass can be increased. The range of big gun shells can also be increased 3-9 times. The range of aircraft may be improved 3-15 percent and more. The results can be used for the design of aircraft, missiles, flying bombs and shells of big guns.
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       Some of Bolonkin's Works located in http://www.Scribd.com on 28 July 2013
    (Click in title, Lauding is free) . Search term is "Bolonkin".

    65 Works are loaded in Scribd. All Readers are 91,628 on 28 July 2013
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       Vixra.org (Loading are free) Updated 9 29 14
       Alexander Bolonkin
       [50] viXra:1408.0239 submitted on 2014-08-31 16:46:25, (24 unique-IP downloads)
       Terraforming of Planets and Space Objects
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [49] viXra:1408.0055 submitted on 2014-08-09 13:22:19, (30 unique-IP downloads)
       Method for Interstellar Flight
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [48] viXra:1407.0180 submitted on 2014-07-23 16:21:50, (34 unique-IP downloads)
       Jet Electric Generator
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [47] viXra:1407.0174 submitted on 2014-07-22 16:24:56, (44 unique-IP downloads)
       Non-Rocket Space Launch and Flight (v.3)
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [46] viXra:1407.0016 submitted on 2014-07-02 20:39:23, (33 unique-IP downloads)
       Electrostatic Generator and Electronic Transformer
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [45] viXra:1407.0011 submitted on 2014-07-01 21:00:47, (43 unique-IP downloads)
       Electric Hypersonic Space Aircraft
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [44] viXra:1403.0928 submitted on 2014-03-24 14:32:35, (60 unique-IP downloads)
       Femtotechnology. AB-matter. Properties, Stability, Possibility Production and Applications
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Nuclear and Atomic Physics
       [43] viXra:1403.0670 submitted on 2014-03-22 14:03:46, (32 unique-IP downloads)
       New Methods of Removing Space Debris
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [42] viXra:1403.0669 submitted on 2014-03-22 14:14:37, (14 unique-IP downloads)
       Method and Installation for Cleaning the Outer Space from Space Debris
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [41] viXra:1402.0111 submitted on 2014-02-16 19:45:11, (84 unique-IP downloads)
       4-th List of Bolonkin's Publications in 2007-2013 (Loading is Free)
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [40] viXra:1401.0173 submitted on 2014-01-25 10:16:32, (25 unique-IP downloads)
       Femtotechnology: Design of the Strongest AB-Matter for Aerospace
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [39] viXra:1401.0172 submitted on 2014-01-25 11:05:09, (49 unique-IP downloads)
       Magnetic Space Launcher
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin, Mark Krinker
    Category: Classical Physics
       [38] viXra:1401.0075 submitted on 2014-01-09 12:40:54, (42 unique-IP downloads)
       "Universe (Part 3). Relations Between Charge, Time, Matter, Volume, Distance, and Energy"
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Relativity and Cosmology
       [37] viXra:1312.0017 submitted on 2013-12-02 14:33:14, (35 unique-IP downloads)
       Stability and Production Super-Strong AB-matter
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Nuclear and Atomic Physics
       [36] viXra:1310.0065 submitted on 2013-10-08 15:17:06, (65 unique-IP downloads)
       Catapult Transportation
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [35] viXra:1310.0022 submitted on 2013-10-04 08:43:18, (152 unique-IP downloads)
       Publication by Bolonkin 2007-2013
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [34] viXra:1310.0012 submitted on 2013-10-01 19:23:54, (150 unique-IP downloads)
       Review of New Ideas, Innovation of Non-Rocket Propulsion Systems for Space Launch and Flight (Part 1)
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [33] viXra:1310.0010 submitted on 2013-10-01 19:43:20, (134 unique-IP downloads)
       Review of New Ideas, Innovations of Non-Rocket Propulsion Systems for Space Launch and Flight (Part 2)
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [32] viXra:1309.0205 submitted on 2013-09-29 15:13:43, (230 unique-IP downloads)
       Life. Science. Future (Biography Notes, Researches and Innovations).
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: General Science and Philosophy
       [31] viXra:1309.0204 submitted on 2013-09-29 15:41:00, (333 unique-IP downloads)
       Жизнь. Наука. Будущее (Биографические очерки).LIFE. Science. Future (In Russian)
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: General Science and Philosophy
       [30] viXra:1309.0201 submitted on 2013-09-29 18:07:16, (45 unique-IP downloads)
       Femtotechnology. AB-matter. Properties, Possibility Production and Applications
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Nuclear and Atomic Physics
       [29] viXra:1309.0200 submitted on 2013-09-29 18:26:52, (59 unique-IP downloads)
       Nuclear AB-Generator and its Application
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Nuclear and Atomic Physics
       [28] viXra:1309.0199 submitted on 2013-09-29 18:40:32, (60 unique-IP downloads)
       Live of Humanity in Outer Space Without Space Suite
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Physics of Biology
       [27] viXra:1309.0197 submitted on 2013-09-29 19:21:50, (62 unique-IP downloads)
       Transparent Inflatable Blanket for Cities
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [26] viXra:1309.0196 submitted on 2013-09-29 20:36:49, (61 unique-IP downloads)
       Universe. Relations Between Time, Matter, Volume, Distance and Energy. Rolling Space, Time, Matter Into Point
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Astrophysics
       [25] viXra:1309.0193 submitted on 2013-09-29 14:23:59, (295 unique-IP downloads)
       New Concepts, Ideas, Innovations in Aerospace, Technology and the Human Sciences
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [24] viXra:1309.0192 submitted on 2013-09-29 14:33:27, (141 unique-IP downloads)
       Macro-Projects: Environments and Technologies
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin, Richard Cathcart
    Category: Classical Physics
       [23] viXra:1309.0191 submitted on 2013-09-29 14:57:43, (611 unique-IP downloads)
       Femtotechnologies and Innovative Projects
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [22] viXra:1309.0189 submitted on 2013-09-28 18:31:00, (98 unique-IP downloads)
       Human Immortality and Electronic Civilization (In Russian).Бессмертие людей и электронная цивилизация
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Physics of Biology
       [21] viXra:1309.0188 submitted on 2013-09-28 19:21:08, (108 unique-IP downloads)
       Memoirs of Soviet Political Prisoner
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Social Science
       [20] viXra:1309.0187 submitted on 2013-09-28 20:04:35, (35 unique-IP downloads)
       Записки советского политзаключенного (Memories Soviet Political Prisoner (In Russian))
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: General Science and Philosophy
       [19] viXra:1307.0169 submitted on 2013-07-30 20:15:08, (1147 unique-IP downloads)
       Innovations and New Technologies
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [18] viXra:1307.0061 submitted on 2013-07-12 13:57:20, (87 unique-IP downloads)
       Electric Theory of Tornado. Protection from Tornado.
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [17] viXra:1306.0196 submitted on 2013-06-23 08:18:51, (70 unique-IP downloads)
       Electron Hydro Electric Generator
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [16] viXra:1306.0195 submitted on 2013-06-23 08:27:21, (108 unique-IP downloads)
       Electron Super Speed Hydro Propulsion
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [15] viXra:1306.0046 submitted on 2013-06-06 13:56:01, (69 unique-IP downloads)
       Electron Wind Generator
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [14] viXra:1306.0003 submitted on 2013-06-01 19:30:52, (112 unique-IP downloads)
       Electron Air Hypersonic Propulsion
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [13] viXra:1305.0046 submitted on 2013-05-07 15:39:10, (313 unique-IP downloads)
       Inexpensive Mini Thermonuclear Reactor
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [12] viXra:1305.0039 submitted on 2013-05-06 19:06:49, (85 unique-IP downloads)
       Underground Explosion Nuclear Energy
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [11] viXra:1301.0100 submitted on 2013-01-16 15:35:58, (38 unique-IP downloads)
       Universe (Part 2): Rolling of Space (Volume, Distance), Time, and Matter into a Point
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [10] viXra:1301.0043 submitted on 2013-01-08 09:21:47, (3320 unique-IP downloads)
       Hypersonic Ground Electric AB Engine
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [9] viXra:1212.0006 submitted on 2012-12-01 20:06:13, (72 unique-IP downloads)
       Protection of the Earth from the Asteroid
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: General Science and Philosophy
       [8] viXra:1212.0003 submitted on 2012-12-01 21:02:56, (274 unique-IP downloads)
       Reentry of Space Craft to Earth Atmosphere
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [7] viXra:1211.0008 submitted on 2012-11-03 11:32:14, (38 unique-IP downloads)
       Cheap Protection of New York City and New Jersey from Storm
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Climate Research
       [6] viXra:1207.0075 submitted on 2012-07-19 14:40:16, (145 unique-IP downloads)
       Universe. Relations Between Time, Matter, Volume, Distance, and Energy (Part 1)..
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [5] viXra:1207.0013 submitted on 2012-07-04 16:13:09, (4505 unique-IP downloads)
       New Self-Propelled Penetration Bomb
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin, shmuel Neumann
    Category: Classical Physics
       [4] viXra:1207.0011 submitted on 2012-07-04 16:33:43, (113 unique-IP downloads)
       Capture and Delivery of Asteroid to the Earth
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
       [3] viXra:1112.0001 submitted on 2011-12-01 21:12:19, (115 unique-IP downloads)
       Problems of Science Research and Technical Progress
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin, Shmuel Neumann
    Category: General Science and Philosophy
       [2] viXra:1111.0064 submitted on 18 Nov 2011, (393 unique-IP downloads)
       Femtotechnology: Stability of AB-needles. Fantastic Properties and Application
       Authors: A.A. Bolonkin
    Category: Nuclear and Atomic Physics
       [1] viXra:0709.0001 submitted on 20 Sep 2007, (63 unique-IP downloads)
       Human Immortality and Electronic Civilization
       Authors: Alexander Bolonkin
    Category: Classical Physics
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    About 22 results (0.16 seconds) 

        -- viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:1304.0159, Energy Transfers from ...
         Apr 28, 2013 ... Authors: Bolonkin Alexander. Ground based, wind energy extraction systems have reached their maximum capability. The limitations of current ...
      vixra.org/abs/1304.0159 - Similar
          -- viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:1112.0001, Problems of Science ...
           Dec 1, 2011 ... Authors: Alexander Bolonkin, Shmuel Neumann. At the present time the USA's Federal Government spends enormous sums of taxpayer money ...
        vixra.org/abs/1112.0001 - Similar
            -- viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:1305.0046, Inexpensive Mini ...
             May 7, 2013 ... Inexpensive Mini Thermonuclear Reactor. Authors: Alexander Bolonkin. Thisproposed design for a mini thermonuclear reactor uses a method ...
          vixra.org/abs/1305.0046 - Similar
              -- viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:1306.0003, Electron Air Hypersonic ...
               Jun 1, 2013 ... Authors: Alexander Bolonkin. Aviation, in general, and aerospace in particularneeds new propulsion systems which allow the craft to reach ...
            vixra.org/abs/1306.0003 - Similar
                -- viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:1306.0195, Electron Super Speed ...
                 Jun 23, 2013 ... Authors: Alexander Bolonkin. High speed submarines and in particular torpedoes need new propulsion systems which allow the submarine to ...
              vixra.org/abs/1306.0195 - Similar
                  -- viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:1307.0061, Electric Theory of ...
                   Jul 12, 2013 ... Authors: Alexander Bolonkin. The author develops a new theory of tornadostability. He show that it is the high electric voltage between clouds ...
                vixra.org/abs/1307.0061 - Similar
                    -- viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:1305.0039, Underground Explosion ...
                     May 6, 2013 ... Authors: Alexander Bolonkin. Author offers the new method for obtaining verycheap electric energy, liquid fuel, thermal energy, fresh water and ...
                  vixra.org/abs/1305.0039 - Similar
                      -- viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:0709.0001, Human Immortality and ...
                       Human Immortality and Electronic Civilization. Authors: Alexander Bolonkin. Immortality is the most cherished dream and the biggest wish of any person. In book ...
                    vixra.org/abs/0709.0001 - Similar
                        -- viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:1306.0196, Electron Hydro Electric ...
                         Jun 23, 2013 ... Authors: Alexander Bolonkin. Author offers a new method of getting electricenergy from moving water. A special injector injects electrons into ...
                      vixra.org/abs/1306.0196 - Similar
                          -- viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:1306.0046, Electron Wind Generator
                           Jun 6, 2013 ... Authors: Alexander Bolonkin. Author offers a new method of getting electricenergy from wind. A special injector injects electrons into the ...
                        vixra.org/abs/1306.0046 - Similar

                        Page 2.
                            -- viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:1301.0100, Universe (Part 2): Rolling ...
                             Jan 16, 2013 ... Authors: Alexander Bolonkin. Previously [1], this author developed a theory which allows derivation of the unknown relations between main ...
                          vixra.org/abs/1301.0100 - Similar
                              -- viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:1301.0043, Hypersonic Ground ...
                               Jan 8, 2013 ... Authors: Alexander Bolonkin. At the present time, rocket launch systems, flight passenger-transport and ground passenger systems have ...
                            vixra.org/abs/1301.0043 - Similar
                                -- viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:1212.0006, Protection of the Earth ...
                                 Dec 1, 2012 ... Authors: Alexander Bolonkin. For Protection of the Earth from asteroid we need in methods for changing the asteroid trajectory and theory for an ...
                              vixra.org/abs/1212.0006 - Similar
                                  -- viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:1212.0003, Reentry of Space Craft to ...
                                   Dec 1, 2012 ... Authors: Alexander Bolonkin. Currently reentry of USA Space Shuttles andCommand Module of Lunar Ships burns a great deal of fuel to ...
                                vixra.org/abs/1212.0003 - Similar
                                    -- viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:1211.0008, Cheap Protection of New ...
                                     Nov 3, 2012 ... Authors: Alexander Bolonkin. Textile storm surge barriers, sited at multiplelocations, are literally extensions of the city's world famous urban ...
                                  vixra.org/abs/1211.0008 - Similar
                                      -- viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:1207.0075, Universe. Relations ...
                                       Jul 19, 2012 ... Authors: Alexander Bolonkin. Author has developed a theory which allowsderivation of the unknown relations between main parameters in a ...
                                    vixra.org/abs/1207.0075 - Similar
                                        -- viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:1207.0013, New Self-Propelled ...
                                         Jul 4, 2012 ... Authors: Alexander Bolonkin, shmuel Neumann. Authors offer the new anti-bunker bombs which reach 80-150 m and more of the Earth depth.
                                      vixra.org/abs/1207.0013 - Similar
                                          -- viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:1207.0020, Universe and Future of ...
                                           Jul 4, 2012 ... Authors: Alexander Bolonkin. Abstract Immortality is the most cherished dream and the biggest wish of any person. In book the author shows ...
                                        vixra.org/abs/1207.0020 - Similar
                                            -- viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:1207.0011, Capture and Delivery of ...
                                             Jul 4, 2012 ... Authors: Alexander Bolonkin. Authors offer the new method for deliver theasteroid to Earth. That method is cheaper in a lot of times than a ...
                                          vixra.org/abs/1207.0011 - Similar
                                              -- viXra.org e-Print archive, viXra:1111.0064, Femtotechnology ...
                                               Nov 18, 2011 ... Authors: A.A. Bolonkin. In article "Femtotechnology: Nuclear AB-Matter withFantastic Properties" *1+ American Journal of Engineering and ...
                                            vixra.org/abs/1111.0064 - Similar
                                               11.Catapult Transportation. http://viXra.org/abs/1310.0065
                                               IJAEA my publications 8 1 13 (Loading are free)
                                               International Journal of Advanced Engineering Applications
                                               ISSN: 2321-7723 (Online)
                                               Special Issue I
                                               4. "Electronic Hydro Propulsion", Alexander Bolonkin, Special Issue-1-4. International Journal of Advanced
                                            Engineering Applications, Special Issue 1, pp.15-19 (2013)
                                               Volume 1, Issue 6 (December, 2012)
                                               6."Electron Air Hypersonic Propulsion", Alexander Bolonkin, IJAEA-1-6-6
                                            International Journal of Advanced Engineering Applications, Vol.1, Iss.6, pp.42-
                                            47 (2012)
                                               7."Underground Explosion Nuclear Energy", Alexander Bolonkin, IJAEA-1-6-7
                                            International Journal of Advanced Engineering Applications, Vol.1, Iss.6, pp.48-61 (2012)
                                               8."Inexpensive Mini Thermonuclear Reactor/Bomb", Alexander Bolonkin, IJAEA-1-6-8
                                            International Journal of Advanced Engineering Applications, Vol.1, Iss.6, pp.62-77 (2012)
                                               Volume 1, Issue 4 (August, 2012)

                                            4."Hypersonic Launcher", Alexander Bolonkin, IJAEA-1-4-4
                                               International Journal of Advanced Engineering Applications, Vol.1, Iss.4, pp.32-43 (2012)
                                               5."Flight Wind Turbines", Alexander Bolonkin, IJAEA-1-4-5
                                               International Journal of Advanced Engineering Applications, 2013, Vol.1, Iss.4, pp.44-64
                                               6. "Remarks about Universe" (part 1-2), International Journal of Advanced Engineering
                                            Applications, Vol.1, Iss.3, pp.62-67 (2012) Alexander Bolonkin, IJAEA Vol.1, Issue 3, 2012, pp. 62-67.

                                            Explosion of the Sun.. Computational Water, Energy, and Environmental Engineering, 2013, 2, 83-96 doi:10.4236/cweee.2013.23010 Published Online July 2013 (http://www.scirp.org/journal/cweee). http://webmailbb.juno.com/webmail/new/21?folder=Inbox&uniqMsgId=001Hzbgy00001DC4&attachId=4&user=abolonkin@juno.com&content=central

                                            International Journal of Advanced Engineering Applications. ISSN: 2321-7723 (Online), Special Issue I, 2013.
                                               4. "Electronic Hydro Propulsion", Alexander Bolonkin, Special Issue-1-4
                                               5. "Non Turbo Electric Wind Generator", Alexander Bolonkin, Special Issue-1-5
                                               6. "Electric Theory of Tornado. Artificial Destruction of Tornado", Alexander Bolonkin, Special Issue-1-6
                                               7. "Electron Hydro Electric Generator", Alexander Bolonkin, Special Issue-1-7
                                               Collection "Asteroids. Prospective Energy and Material Resources", Viorel Badescu, Editor. Springer, 2013, 690 pgs., ISBN 978-3-642-39243-6, ISBN 978-3-642-39244-3 (eBool).
                                            Article by A.Bolonkin:
                                            1. Change the Asteroids Trajectory.
                                            2. Artificial Gravitation on Asteroids.
                                            3. Making Asteroids Habitable.
                                            4. Using Asteroids for Launch/Landing, Change of Trajectory and acceleration of Space Ships.
                                            5. Shaped Metal Earth-Delivery Systems. Together with R.Cathcart, V.Badescu, d. Stanciu .
                                               Intellectual archive 10 5 14
                                               Found items
                                               Short Description
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Method and Installation for Cleaning the Outer Spa...
                                               Provisional Patent Application "Method and Installation for Cleaning the Outer Space from Space Debris". (in PDF)
                                               2014-10-04 18:31:34
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Electron Wind Generator
                                               Author offers a new method of getting electric energy from wind. A special injector injects electrons into the atmosphere. Wind pi...
                                               2014-10-04 18:05:39
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Hypersonic Catapult Transportation
                                               At the present time, rocket launch systems, flight passenger-transport and ground passenger systems have reached their peak of dev...
                                               2014-10-04 17:10:57
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               REENTRY OF SPACE CRAFT TO EARTH
                                               Currently reentry of USA Space Shuttles and Command Module of Lunar Ships burns a great deal of fuel to reduce reentry speed becau...
                                               2014-10-04 17:00:47
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Protection of the Earth from Asteroids
                                               Authors developed theories of some methods the protection of the Earth from the big asteroids. These methods are: impact by space ...
                                               2014-10-04 16:49:59

                                            Pages: 1 2 3 4 Next

                                               Short Description
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Cheap Protection of City and other place from Floo...
                                               Textile storm surge barriers, sited at multiple locations, are literally extensions of the city's world famous urban fabric--an...
                                               2014-10-04 16:41:13
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Universe. Relations between Time, Matter, Volume, ...
                                               Author has developed a theory which allows derivation of the unknown relations between main parameters in a given field of nature....
                                               2014-10-04 16:30:50
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Transportation of Asteroid to the Earth
                                               Author offers a new method for delivery of an asteroid to Earth which is many times cheaper than conventional methods. In this me...
                                               2014-10-04 16:08:51
                                               Alexander Bolonkin, ...
                                               NEW SELF-PROPELLED PENETRATION BOMB
                                               Authors offer the new anti-bunker bombs which reach 80-150 m and more of the Earth depth. They can destroy armor protected undergr...
                                               2014-10-04 16:03:15
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Long Distance Artillery
                                               Abstract. This picks up on the author's early work of increasing range of the shells and bullets 2 - 5 times by including in i...
                                               2014-10-04 15:54:11
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Kinetic Aviation and Space Catapult
                                               The current flight passenger-transport and cargo systems have reached the peak of their development. In the last 30 years there ha...
                                               2014-10-04 15:47:48
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Suppression of Forest Fire by Helicopter without W...
                                               The natural occurrences of wildfires damage nature areas, produce the hundreds of millions of dollars in losses, and considerable ...
                                               2014-10-04 14:59:35
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Production of Freshwater and Energy from Atmospher...
                                               The author offers a new, cheap method for the extraction of freshwater from the Earth's atmosphere. The suggected method is fund...
                                               2014-10-04 14:52:13
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Floating Cities
                                               Ocean colonization is the theory and practice of permanent human settlement of oceans. Such settlements may float on the surface o...
                                               2014-10-04 14:28:06
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Space Wing Electro Relativistic AB-Ship
                                               Author offers and develops the theory of a new class of space wing electro ship. A biplane wing and an electric field between the ...
                                               2014-10-04 14:02:31
                                               Short Description
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               AB-Needles: Fantastic Properties and Application i...
                                               In my article "Femtotechnology: Nuclear AB-Matter with Fantastic Properties" [1] American Journal of Engineering and Appli...
                                               2014-10-04 13:30:12
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Review 3 of new ideas, innovations of non-rocket p...
                                               In the past years the author and other scientists have published a series of new methods which promise to revolutionize the space ...
                                               2014-10-04 13:18:06
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Review of new ideas, innovation of non-rocket prop...
                                               In the past years the author and other scientists have published a series of new methods which promise to revolutionize the space ...
                                               2014-10-04 13:02:53
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Trans-Ocean Wireless Transfer of Electricity from ...
                                               Author offers collections from his previous research on revolutionary new ideas: long-distance wireless transference of electric e...
                                               2014-10-04 12:09:56
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Magnetic Suspended AB-Structures and Motionless Sp...
                                               In this article the author provides new ideas, theory and computations for building with the current technology low cost magnetic ...
                                               2014-10-04 11:48:59
                                               Short Description
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Production of Fresh Water by Exhaust Gas
                                               A new, cheap method for the extraction of freshwater from the sea which is fundamentally distinct from all existing methods that e...
                                               2014-10-04 11:26:31
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Aerial High Altitude Gas Pipeline
                                               Design of new cheap aerial pipelines, a large flexible tube deployed at high altitude, for delivery of natural (fuel) gas over a l...
                                               2014-10-04 11:02:38
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Inflatable Security and Prosperity AB-Blanket for ...
                                               In a series of articles (see references below) the author has offered a means to cover a city or other important large installatio...
                                               2014-10-04 10:46:05
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               FEMTOTECHNOLOGY: THE STRONGEST AB-MATTER FOR AEROS...
                                               Aerospace, aviation particularly need, in any era, the strongest and most thermostable materials available, often at nearly any pr...
                                               2014-10-04 10:14:41
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Converting of Matter to Nuclear Energy
                                               Author offers a new nuclear generator which allows to convert any matter to nuclear energy in accordance with the Einstein equati...
                                               2014-10-03 15:31:18

                                            Pages: Prev 3 4 5 6 7 8 Next

                                               Intellectual archive
                                            The works loaded in the internet library: http://intellectualarchive.com :
                                            http://intellectualarchive.com/?link=find#result Updated 9 29 14
                                               Found items
                                               Short Description
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Terraforming of planets and Space Objects
                                               The current physics believes that vacuum can produce energy and Universes. The basis of any Universe is energy. Author assumes: en...
                                               2014-08-31 17:33:38
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Method for Interstellar Flight
                                               The basis of any Universe is energy. Energy may be positive or negative. Negative energy produces negative matter. Negative matter...
                                               2014-08-09 14:06:43
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Jet Electric Generator
                                               Author offers and develops the theory of a new simple cheap efficient electric (electron) generator. This generator can convert pr...
                                               2014-07-23 16:57:45
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Electrostatic Generator and Electronic Transformer
                                               Transmission of high voltage by direct currency (DC) over long distance has big advantages in comparison with the current transmis...
                                               2014-07-02 21:03:28
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Electric Hypersonic Space Aircraft
                                               Aviation, in general, and aerospace in particular needs new propulsion systems which allow a craft to reach high speeds by cheaper...
                                               2014-07-01 21:42:30
                                               Short Description
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Femtotechnology. AB-matter. Properties, Stability,...
                                               Designs of new forms of matter composed of nucleons (neutrons, protons), electrons, and other nuclear particles are detailed. This...
                                               2014-03-24 14:40:49
                                               Akexander Bolonkin
                                               Provisional Patent: Method and Installation for C...
                                               Currently (2011), about 19,000 pieces of space debris larger than 5 cm (2.0 in) are tracked (for example: old non-working satellit...
                                               2014-03-22 17:54:00
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               New Methods of Removing Space Debris
                                               In 1957 the new era of studying outer Space by space apparatus was ushered in. During this past half century, thousands of satelli...
                                               2014-03-22 17:37:40
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               "Universe (Part 3). Relations between Charge, Ti...
                                               In Universe (Part 1)[1] author has developed a theory which allows derivation of the unknown relations between the main parameters...
                                               2014-01-09 13:16:19
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Stability and Production Super-Strong AB-matter
                                               In works [1-3] author offered and considered possible super strong nuclear matter. In given work he continues to study the problem...
                                               2013-12-25 11:36:22

                                            Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 Next

                                               Short Description
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Stability and Production Super-Strong AB-matter
                                               In works [1-3] author offered and considered possible super strong nuclear matter. In given work he continues to study the problem...
                                               2013-12-02 16:28:44
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Записки Советского Политза...
                                               В этой небольшой заметке я хочу коротко рассказать об удивительном ?..
                                               2013-09-28 19:55:46
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Memoirs of Soviet Political Prisoner
                                               Short Biography of Dr. Alexander Bolonkin A. Bolonkin was born in (Russia). When he was young, he had National and World rec...
                                               2013-09-28 19:32:40
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Human Immortality and Electronic Civilization (in ...
                                               Бессмертие - это голубая, вековая, самая большая мечта и самое большое ж...
                                               2013-09-28 18:15:05
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Human Immortality and Electronic civilization
                                               Immortality is the most cherished dream and the biggest wish of any person. In book the author shows that the problem of immortali...
                                               2013-09-28 17:55:49
                                               Short Description
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Записки Советского Политза...
                                               В этой небольшой заметке я хочу коротко рассказать об удивительном ?..
                                               2013-09-28 19:55:46
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Memoirs of Soviet Political Prisoner
                                               Short Biography of Dr. Alexander Bolonkin A. Bolonkin was born in (Russia). When he was young, he had National and World rec...
                                               2013-09-28 19:32:40
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Human Immortality and Electronic Civilization (in ...
                                               Бессмертие - это голубая, вековая, самая большая мечта и самое большое ж...
                                               2013-09-28 18:15:05
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Human Immortality and Electronic civilization
                                               Immortality is the most cherished dream and the biggest wish of any person. In book the author shows that the problem of immortali...
                                               2013-09-28 17:55:49
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Electric Theory of Tornado. Protection from Tornad...
                                               The author develops a new theory of tornado stability. He show that it is the high electric voltage between clouds and ground surf...
                                               2013-07-12 14:15:10
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Electron Super Speed Hydro Propulsion
                                               High speed submarines and in particular torpedoes need new propulsion systems which allow the submarine to reach high speeds by ch...
                                               2013-06-23 18:59:24
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Electron Hydro Electric Generator
                                               Author offers a new method of getting electric energy from moving water. A special injector injects electrons into water. Water st...
                                               2013-06-23 18:48:54
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Electron Wind Generator
                                               Author offers a new method of getting electric energy from wind. A special injector injects electrons into the atmosphere. Wind pi...
                                               2013-06-06 14:16:51
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Underground Explosion Nuclear Energy
                                               Author offers the new method for obtaining very cheap electric energy, liquid fuel, thermal energy, fresh water and cheap nuclear ...
                                               2013-05-06 19:41:17
                                               Bolonkin Alexander
                                               Energy Transfers from Airborne Wind Turbine: Revie...
                                               Ground based, wind energy extraction systems have reached their maximum capability. The limitations of current designs are wind in...
                                               2013-04-28 12:20:34
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Universe (Part 2): Rolling of Space (Volume, Dista...
                                               Previously [1], this author developed a theory which allows derivation of the unknown relations between main parameters in a given...
                                               2013-01-16 15:54:21
                                               Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Hypersonic Ground Electric AB Engine
                                               At the present time, rocket launch systems, flight passenger-transport and ground passenger systems have reached their peak of dev...
                                               2013-01-08 09:41:15
                                               A.A. Bolonkin
                                               Femtotechnology: Nuclear AB-Material with Fantasti...
                                               At present the term `nanotechnology` is well known in its` ideal form, the flawless and completely controlled design of convention...
                                               2012-03-01 18:21:36
                                               A.A. Bolonkin
                                               Wireless Transfer of Electricity from Continent to...
                                               Author offers collections from his previous research of the revolutionary new ideas: wireless transferring electric energy in long...
                                               2012-02-29 17:55:02
                                               A.A. Bolonkin
                                               Using of High Altitude Wind Energy
                                               Ground based, wind energy extraction systems have reached their maximum capability. The limitations of current designs are: wind i...
                                               2012-02-29 17:52:27
                                               A.A. Bolonkin
                                               Universe, Human Immortality and Future Human Evalu...
                                               This is the popular book about the Universe, the development of new technologies in 21st century and future of human race. Author ...
                                               2012-02-29 17:50:27
                                               A.A. Bolonkin
                                               Human Immortality and Electronic Civilization
                                               Immortality is the most cherished dream and the biggest wish of any person. In book the author shows that the problem of immortali...
                                               2012-02-29 17:44:39
                                               A.A. Bolonkin
                                               Femtotechnology: Design of the Strongest AB-Matter...
                                               Aerospace, aviation particularly need, in any era, the strongest and most thermostable materials available, often at nearly any pr...
                                               2012-02-29 17:41:25
                                               A.A. Bolonkin
                                               Converting of any Matter to Nuclear Energy by AB-G...
                                               Author offers a new nuclear generator which allows to convert any matter to nuclear energy in accordance with the Einstein equatio...
                                               2012-02-29 17:32:30
                                               A.A. Bolonkin
                                               Air Catapult Transport
                                               The current flight passenger-transport and cargo systems have reached the peak of their development. In the last 30 years there ha...
                                               2012-02-29 17:30:36
                                               A.A. Bolonkin
                                               Aerial Altitude Gas Pipeline
                                               Design of new cheap aerial pipelines, a large flexible tube deployed at high altitude, for delivery of natural (fuel) gas over a l...
                                               2012-02-29 17:28:20
                                               A.A. Bolonkin
                                               AB ELECTRONIC TUBES AND QUASI-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AT...
                                               Authors offer and research a new macro-engineering idea - filling tubes by electronic gases. Shown: If the insulating envelope (co...
                                               2012-02-29 17:22:26
                                               A.A. Bolonkin
                                               Suppression of Forest Fire by Helicopter without W...
                                               The natural occurrences of wildfires damage nature areas, produce the hundreds of millions of dollars in losses, and considerable ...
                                               2012-02-29 17:19:45
                                               A.A. Bolonkin
                                               Space Wing Electro Relativistic AB-Ship
                                               Author offers and develops the theory of a new class of space wing electro ship. A biplane wing and an electric field between the ...
                                               2012-02-29 17:17:07
                                               A.A. Bolonkin
                                               Live of Humanity in Outer Space without Space Suit...
                                               The author proposes and investigates his old idea - a living human in space without the encumbrance of a complex space suit. Only ...
                                               2012-02-29 17:13:54
                                               A.A. Bolonkin
                                               Dome Shield: A Method to Contain Radioactive Dust ...
                                               The author, in a series of previous articles, designed the AB Dome made of transparent thin film supported by a small additional a...
                                               2012-02-29 17:08:26
                                               A.A. Bolonkin
                                               Problems of Science Research and Technical Progres...
                                               At the present time the USA`s Federal Government spends enormous sums of taxpayer money for Scientific Research and Development (R...
                                               2012-02-27 17:54:38
                                               A.A. Bolonkin
                                               Femtotechnology: Stability of AB-Needles. Fantasti...
                                               In article "Femtotechnology: Nuclear AB-Matter with Fantastic Properties" *1+ American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences...
                                               2012-02-27 17:46:43
                                            EPEF My published articles 10 23 13
                                               14. "NEW SELF-PROPELLED PENETRATION BOMB", Alexander Bolonkin, Shmuel Neumann, IJAEA-2-5-14
                                               4. "Electronic Hydro Propulsion", Alexander Bolonkin, Special Issue-1-4
                                               5. "Non Turbo Electric Wind Generator", Alexander Bolonkin, Special Issue-1-5
                                               6. "Electric Theory of Tornado. Artificial Destruction of Tornado", Alexander Bolonkin, Special Issue-1-6
                                               7. "Electron Hydro Electric Generator", Alexander Bolonkin, Special Issue-1-7
                                               6."Electron Air Hypersonic Propulsion", Alexander Bolonkin, IJAEA-1-6-6
                                               7."Underground Explosion Nuclear Energy", Alexander Bolonkin, IJAEA-1-6-7
                                               8."Inexpensive Mini Thermonuclear Reactor/Bomb", Alexander Bolonkin, IJAEA-1-6-8
                                               4."Hypersonic Launcher", Alexander Bolonkin, IJAEA-1-4-4
                                               5."Flight Wind Turbines", Alexander Bolonkin, IJAEA-1-4-5
                                               http://GSJournal.net/ Search "Bolonkin" 29 September 2014
                                            Papers written by Alexander Bolonkin in GSJ
                                            1) Terraforming of planets and Space Objects. September 1, 2014:
                                            2) Method for Interstellar Flight. August 10, 2014:
                                            3) Jet Electric Generator. July 23, 2014:
                                            4) Electrostatic Generator and Electronic Transformer. July 2, 2014:
                                            5) Electric Hypersonic Space Aircraft. July 2, 2014:
                                            6) Femtotechnology. AB-matter. Properties, Stability, Possibility Prod... March 25, 2014:
                                            7New Methods of Removing Space Debris) . March 23, 2014:
                                            8) Reentry of Space Craft to Earth Atmosphere. January 26, 2014:
                                            9) Universe (Part 3). Relations between Charge, Time, Matter, Volume, ... January 9, 2014:
                                            10) January 9, 2014: Stability and Possible Production of the Super-Strong AB-matter
                                            Downloads: 82

                                            - See more at: http://gsjournal.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/1481/Alexander,%20Bolonkin#sthash.kUq4LrDs.dpuf

                                            Archive Loaded 9 29 14

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                                               List of some last scientific publications by Alexander Bolonkin - A. Bolonkin
                                            List of some last scientific publications by Alexander
                                            Keywords: Aerospace; aviation; energy; environment
                                            Downloads: 31

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                                               LIFE. SCIENCE. FUTURE. (Biography notes, researches and innovations) - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            This is book about life, researches, ideas, innovations of Dr. Sci., professor Alexander
                                            Bolonkin. He worked in Soviet aviation, rocket and space industries and lectured in main Moscow Universities in the former USSR. He earned many official awards from the Soviet Union officialdom. In 1972 professor Bolonkin was arrested by the notorious Soviet Secret Police (RGB) because he had been discovered reading forbidden political literature about freedom and democracy and had been monitored listening t...
                                            Keywords: Bolonkin; Biography; Science; Innovantion; Future
                                            Downloads: 143

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                                               Analysis of tubes filled with charged electron gas - Stefan Karrmann
                                            We show that tubes filled with electron gas, as presented by A.
                                            Bolonkin, are not possible with current materials. First, the pressure of the charges on the outer surface cancel almost all of the electrostatic pressure of the inner electrons. Second, due to the mutually repulsion most of the electrons are in the outmost shell of the tube and not individually free.
                                            Downloads: 3

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                                               Memoirs of Soviet Political Prisoner - Alexander Bolonlin
                                            Short Biography of Dr. Alexander
                                            Bolonkin A. Bolonkin was born in (Russia). When he was young, he had National and World records in aviation modelling and was awarded with gold and silver medals. He graduated with awards from Aviation Collage, Faculty of Aviation Engines, (B.S.)(USSR); Kazan Aviation Institute, Faculty of Aircraft Design, (M.S.); Kiev University, Faculty of Mathematics, (M.S.); Moscow Aviation Institute, Rocket Department, dissertation "Optimal Trajectories of Multistate Rockets...
                                            Keywords: History of the communist USSR; Consentration camp
                                            Downloads: 201

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                                               Article Electric Theory Of Tornado 2 For Storige 7 9 13 - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            Electric Theory of Tornado. Protection from Tornado.
                                            By Alexander Bolonkin C&R, USA, abolonkin@juno.com                                                                      Abstract  The author develops a new theory of tornado stability. He show that it is the high electric voltage between clouds and ground surface which produces the intensive electron/ion flow which creates the air stream which sucks off (pumping) air from the ...
                                            Keywords: Tornado; stability of tornado; protection from tornado; hurricane; Bolonkin
                                            Downloads: 13

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                                            At the present time the USAБs Federal Government spends enormous sums of taxpayer money for Scientific Research and Development (R&D). How to best organize this vast governmental activity, how to best estimate its ultimate utility and profitability (real and potential), how to best increase efficiency of innovation and production, how to best estimate the worth of new discoveries and innovations, how to properly fund R&D of new concepts and innovations, and how to correctly estimate their resul...
                                            Keywords: Organizing scientific research; planning of research; funding research; funding new ideas (concepts); funding inventions and innovations; estimating research cost; assessment of research results; research efficiency criteria; innovation in organizing of scientific R&D
                                            Downloads: 39

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                                               PROBLEMS OF SCIENCE RESEARCH AND TECHNICAL PROGRESS - A. Bolonkin, S. Neumann
                                            At the present time the USAБs Federal Government spends enormous sums of taxpayer money for Scientific Research and Development (R&D). How to best organize this vast governmental activity, how to best estimate its ultimate utility and profitability (real and potential), how to best increase efficiency of innovation and production, how to best estimate the worth of new discoveries and innovations, how to properly fund R&D of new concepts and innovations, and how to correctly estimate their resul...
                                            Keywords: Organizing scientific research; planning of research; funding research; funding new ideas (concepts); funding inventions and innovations; estimating research cost; assessment of research results; research efficiency criteria; innovation in organizing of scientific R&D
                                            Downloads: 29

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                                               Live of Humanity in Outer Space without Space Suite - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            The author proposes and investigates his old idea - a living human in space without the encumbrance of a complex space suit. Only in this condition can biological humanity seriously attempt to colonize space because all planets of Solar system (except the Earth) do not have suitable atmospheres. Aside from the issue of temperature, a suitable partial pressure of oxygen is lacking. In this case the main problem is how to satiate human blood with oxygen and delete carbonic acid gas (carbon dioxide...
                                            Keywords: : Space suit; space colonization; space civilization; life on Moon; Mars and other planets; people existing in space
                                            Downloads: 60

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                                               Review of new ideas, innovation of non-rocket propulsion systems for Space Launch and Flight (Part 1) - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            In the past years the author and other scientists have published a series of new methods which promise to revolutionize the space propulsion systems, space launching and flight. These include the cable propulsion system, circle propulsion system and space keeper, kinetic propulsion system, gas-tube propulsion system, sliding rotary method, asteroid employment, electromagnetic accelerator, Sun and magnetic sail, solar wind sail, radioisotope sail, electrostatic space sail, laser beam propulsion s...
                                            Keywords: Review; Non-rocket propulsion; non-rocket space launching; non-rocket space flight; cable launch system; circle launch system; space keeper; kinetic propulsion system; gas-tube launch system; sliding rotary method; asteroid employment; electromagnetic accelerator; Sun and magnetic sail; solar wind sail; radioisotope sail; electrostatic space sail; laser beam propulsion system; kinetic anti-gravitator (repulsator); Earth-Moon non-rocket and Earth-Mars non-rocket transport system; multi-reflective beam propulsion system; electrostatic levitation; recombination engine; electronic sail; solar sail
                                            Downloads: 97

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                                               Book Non Rocket New 2 V 2 From Archive 10 12 13 - Bolonkin
                                            Full version. Added Chapter 13 which was missed early,
                                            Keywords: Non-Rocket Space Launch and Flight
                                            Downloads: 2

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                                               Underground Explosion Nuclear Energy - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            Author offers the new method for obtaining very cheap electric energy, liquid fuel, thermal energy, fresh water and cheap nuclear fuel. He uses deuterium underground thermonuclear explosions. He shows the installation for getting of energy (creating the underground cavity by nuclear explosive) is on the order of a thousand times cheaper than surface steel boiler designs offered by Russian scientists and more safe because in case of any damage the radiation is in the deep underground cavity...
                                            Keywords: Energy; cheap energy; peaceful nuclear explosive; warm energy; fresh water; liquid fuel; cheap nuclear fuel; theory of underground explosion; artificial earthquake; Bolonkin
                                            Downloads: 21

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                                               Review 2 of new ideas, innovations of non-rocket propulsion systems for Space Launch and Flight - Akexander Bolonkin
                                            In the past years the author and other scientists have published a series of new methods which promise to revolutionize the space propulsion systems, space launching and flight. These include the electrostatic AB-ramjet space propulsion, beam space propulsion, MagSail, high speed AB-solar sail, transfer electricity in outer space, simplest AB-thermonuclear space propulsion, electrostatic linear engine and cable space launcher, AB-levitrons, electrostatic climber, AB-space propulsion, convertor a...
                                            Keywords: Non-rocket propulsion; non-rocket space launching; non-rocket space flight; electrostatic AB-ramjet space propulsion; beam space propulsion; MagSail; high speed AB-solar sail; transfer electricity in outer space; simplest AB-thermonuclear space propulsion; electrostatic linear engine and launcher; AB-levitrons; electrostatic climber; AB-space propulsion; convertor any matter in nuclear energy; femtotechnology; wireless transfer of energy; magnetic space launcher; railgun; superconductivity railgun
                                            Downloads: 59

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                                               Inexpensive Mini Thermonuclear Reactor - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            This proposed design for a mini thermonuclear reactor uses a method based upon a series of important innovations. A cumulative explosion presses a capsule with nuclear fuel up to 100 thousands of atmospheres, the explosive electric generator heats the capsule/pellet up to 100 million degrees and a special capsule and a special cover which keeps these pressure and temperature in capsule up to 0.001 sec...
                                            Keywords: Thermonuclear mini bomb; thermonuclear reactor; nuclear energy; nuclear engine; nuclear space propulsion; Bolonkin
                                            Downloads: 37

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                                               Stability and Production Super-Strong AB-matter - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            In works [1-3] author offered and considered possible super strong nuclear matter. In given work he continues to study the problem of a stability and production this matter. He shows the special artificial forms of nuclear AB-matter which make its stability and give the fantastic properties. For example, by the offered AB-needle you can pierce any body without any damage, support motionless satellite, reach the other planet, and research EarthБs interior...
                                            Downloads: 2

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                                               Electron Super Speed Hydro Propulsion - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            High speed submarines and in particular torpedoes need new propulsion systems which allow the submarine to reach high speeds by cheaper and more efficient methods. Author offers a new propulsion system using electrons for acceleration of the water and having a high efficiency. As this system does not use a water propeller, it does not have the cavitation limitations of conventional water propeller systems...
                                            Downloads: 3

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                                               Electron Hydro Electric Generator - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            Author offers a new method of getting electric energy from moving water. A special injector injects electrons into water. Water stream picks up the electrons and moves them in the direction of stream which is against the direction of electric field. At some distance from injector a unique grid acquires the electrons, thus charging and producing electricity. This method does not require, as does other water energy devices, strong dams, water turbines, or electric generators...
                                            Downloads: 2

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                                               NEW SELF-PROPELLED PENETRATION BOMB - Alexander Bolonkin, Shmuel Newmann
                                            Authors offer the new anti-bunker bombs which reach 80-150 m and more of the Earth depth. They can destroy armor protected underground bunkers. This bomb is named as БSelf-propelled BombБ because after conventional kinetic penetration, multiple cumulative charges creates a narrow canal, then injects into this canal explosives which upon detonation pushes the bomb deeper into the Earth by special rocket explosions and reaches a deep location...
                                            Downloads: 10

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                                               Article Interstellar Flight 7 20 14 - Alexander Bolonkin
                                             The basis of any Universe is energy. Energy may be positive or negative. Negative energy produces negative matter. Negative matter repels our (positive) matter. Using this effect the author offers a space propulsion system which allows reaching by space ship a speed close to light speed and to enable massive retrieval of extraterrestrial materials to construct works in space
                                            Keywords: Interstellar Flight; Interstellar propulsion; Negative energy; negative matter
                                            Downloads: 1

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                                               Electron Hydro Electric Generator - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            Author offers a new method of getting electric energy from moving water. A special injector injects electrons into water. Water stream picks up the electrons and moves them in the direction of stream which is against the direction of electric field. At some distance from injector a unique grid acquires the electrons, thus charging and producing electricity. This method does not require, as does other water energy devices, strong dams, water turbines, or electric generators...
                                            Downloads: 5

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                                               Converting of any Matter to Nuclear Energy by AB-Generator and Aerospace - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            Abstract Author offers a new nuclear generator which allows to convert any matter to nuclear energy in accordance with the Einstein equation E=mc2. The method is based upon tapping the energy potential of a Micro Black Hole (MBH) and the Hawking radiation created by this MBH. As is well-known, the vacuum continuously produces virtual pairs of particles and antiparticles, in particular, the photons and anti-photons...
                                            Keywords: Production of nuclear energy; Micro Black Hole; energy AB-Generator; photon rocket; Bolonkin
                                            Downloads: 73

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                                               Non-Rocket Space Launches and Flights - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            Abstract At present, rockets are used for launches and flights into space. They have been intensively developed since World War II when the German engineer F. Von Braun designed the first long distance rocket FAU-2. In the subsequent 60 years liquid and solid rockets reached the peak of their development. Their main shortcomings are (1) very high cost of space launching $20,000 Б 50,000/kg; (2) large fuel consumption; (3) fuel storage problems because the oxidizer and fuel (for example; oxygen ...
                                            Keywords: Non-Rocket Space Launch; Non-Rocket Space Flight
                                            Downloads: 123

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                                               Using of High Altitude Wind Energy - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            Ground based, wind energy extraction systems have reached their maximum capability. The limitations of current designs are: wind instability, high cost of installations, and small power output of a single unit. The wind energy industry needs of revolutionary ideas to increase the capabilities of wind installations. This article suggests a revolutionary innovation which produces a dramatic increase in power per unit and is independent of prevailing weather and at a lower cost per unit of energy e...
                                            Keywords: wind energy; cable energy transmission; utilization of wind energy at high altitude; air rotor; windmills; Bolonkin
                                            Downloads: 93

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                                               Human Immortality and Electronic Civilization - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            Abstract Immortality is the most cherished dream and the biggest wish of any person. In book the author shows that the problem of immortality can be solved only by changing the biological human into an artificial form. Such an immortal person made of chips and super-solid material (the E-man, as was called in earlier author articles and book) will have incredible advantages in comparison to conventional people...
                                            Keywords: computer; future of humanity; 21st Century; non-biological civilization; immortality; AI
                                            Downloads: 120

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                                               Protection of the Earth from the Asteroid - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            For Protection of the Earth from asteroid we need in methods for changing the asteroid trajectory and theory for an estimation or computation the impulse which produces these methods. Author develops some methods of this computation. There are: impact of the space apparatus to asteroid, explosion the conventional explosive having form of plate and ball on asteroid surface, explosion the small nuclear bomb on the asteroids surface, entry asteroid to Earth atmosphere, braking of asteroid by parach...
                                            Keywords: protection of the Earth from asteroids; asteroid delivery to Earth; impact to asteroid; nuclear explosion; atmospheric entry; Space Ships; thermal protection of asteroid and space apparatus; parachute braking of asteroid
                                            Downloads: 20

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                                               Suppression of Forest Fire by Helicopter without Water - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            The natural occurrences of wildfires damage nature areas, produce the hundreds of millions of dollars in losses, and considerable pollution of environment. The author suggests a very efficient method of suppression of a forest fire without water. He offers a system of simple light plates or anchor suspended from any helicopter which directs the helicopter propeller airflow against the direction of a wildfire...
                                            Keywords: Wildfire; suppression of wildfire; suppression of forest fire by helicopter
                                            Downloads: 52

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                                               Aerial Altitude Gas Pipeline - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            Design of new cheap aerial pipelines, a large flexible tube deployed at high altitude, for delivery of natural (fuel) gas over a long distance is delineated. The main component of the natural gas is methane, which has a specific weight less than air. The lift force of one cubic meter of methane equals approximately 0.5 kg. The lightweight film flexible pipeline can be located in air at high altitude and, as such, does not damage the environment...
                                            Keywords: gas pipeline; aerial pipeline; cheap pipeline; altitude pipeline; inflatable pipeline
                                            Downloads: 62

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                                               Article Jet Electric Generator 7 3 14 ( Autosaved) After Joseph - Alexander Bolonkin
                                               Author offers and develops the theory of a new simple cheap efficient electric (electron) generator. This generator can convert pressure or kinetic energy of any non-conductive flow (gas, liquid) into direct current (DC). The generator can convert the mechanical energy of any engine into high voltage DC. One can covert the wind and water energy into electricity without turbine. One can convert the rest energy of an internal combustion engine or turbojet engine in electricity and increase it...
                                            Keywords: Jet Electric Generator; Electron generator; AB generator; Wind electric generator; Water electric generator; DC generator; High voltage generator

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                                               Transport System for Delivery Tourists At Altitude 140 km - Bolonkin, Alexande
                                            The author offers a new method and installation for flight in space. This method uses the centrifugal force of a rotating circular cable that provides a means for the launch of a payload into outer space, to keep the fixed space stations at high altitudes (up to 200 km). The method may also be useful for landing to space bodies, for launching of the space ships (crafts), and for moving and accelerating other artificial apparatuses...
                                            Downloads: 58

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                                               Non Rocket Space Launch And Flight (v. 3) - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            In the past years the author and other scientists have published a series of new methods which promise to revolutionize space launching and flight. These include the cable accelerator, circle launcher and space keeper, space elevator transport system, space towers, kinetic towers, the gas-tube method, sling rotary method, asteroid employment, electromagnetic accelerator, tether system, Sun and magnetic sails, solar wind sail, radioisotope sail, electrostatic space sail, laser beam, kinetic anti-...
                                            Keywords: Non-Rocket Space Launch; Non-Rocket Space Flight; Space Launch and Flight without Rocket

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                                               REENTRY OF SPACE CRAFT TO EARTH ATMOSPHERE - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            Currently reentry of USA Space Shuttles and Command Module of Lunar Ships burns a great deal of fuel to reduce reentry speed because the temperatures are too high for atmospheric braking by conventional fiber parachutes. Recently high-temperature fiber and whiskers have been produced which could be employed in a new control rectangle parachute to create the negative lift force required. Though it is not large, a light parachute decreases Shuttle speed from 8 km/s (Shuttle) and 11 km/s (Apollo Co...
                                            Keywords: Atmospheric reentry; Space Shuttle; thermal protection of space craft; parachute braking
                                            Downloads: 72

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                                               Non-Rocket Earth-Moon Transport System - Bolonkin, Alexande
                                            This paper proposes a new method and transportation system to travel to the Moon. This transportation system uses a mechanical energy transfer and requires only minimal energy so that it provides a 'Free Trip' into space. The method uses the rotary and kinetic energy of the Moon. This paper presents the theory and results of computations for the project provided Free Trips (without rockets and spend a big energy) to the Moon for six thousand people annually...
                                            Downloads: 78

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                                               Universe. Relations between Time, Matter, Volume, Distance, and Energy. - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            Author has developed a theory which allows derivation of the unknown relations between main parameters in a given field of nature. He applied this theory for estimation of some values of our Universe and received both well-known and new unknown relations. Author offers possibly valid relations between time, matter, volume, distance, and energy. The net picture derived is that in the Universe exists ONLY one substance Б ENERGY...
                                            Keywords: Universe; Time; Matter; Volume; Distance; Energy
                                            Downloads: 39

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                                               Electronic Wind Generator
                                              Author offers a new method of getting electric energy from wind. A special injector injects electrons into the atmosphere. Wind picks up the electrons and moves them in the direction of wind which is also against the direction of electric field. At some distance from injector a unique grid acquires the electrons, thus charging and producing electricity. This method does not require, as does other wind energy devices, strong columns, wind turbines, or electric generators...
                                            Keywords: energy; utilization of wind energy; electronic wind electric generator; EABG; Bolonkin
                                            Downloads: 38

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                                               Wireless Transfer of Electricity from Continent to Continent - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            Author offers collections from his previous research of the revolutionary new ideas: wireless transferring electric energy in long distance Б from one continent to other continent through Earth ionosphere and storage the electric energy into ionosphere. Early he also offered the electronic tubes as the method of transportation of electricity into outer space and the electrostatic space 100 km towers for connection to Earth ionosphere...
                                            Keywords: transferring of electricity in space; transfer of electricity to spaceship; Moon; Mars; plasma MagSail; electricity storage; ionosphere transfer of electricity
                                            Downloads: 119

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                                               Review 3 of new ideas, innovations of non-rocket propulsion systems for Space Launch and Flight - Alexaner Bolonkin
                                            In the past years the author and other scientists have published a series of new methods which promise to revolutionize the space technology. These include the Space Elevator, Men without the space suite into space, Artificial gravity, New method of atmospheric re-entry for space ship, Inflatable Dome for Moon, Mars, asteroids, Closed loop water cycle, Climber for Space Elevator, Cheap Protection from Nuclear Warhead, Wireless transfer of electricity throw outer Space, Artificial explosion of Su...
                                            Keywords: Space Elevator; Men without the space suite into space; Artificial gravity; New method of atmospheric re-entry; Inflatable Dome for space; Closed loop water cycle; Climber for Space Elevator; Cheap protection from Nuclear Warhead; Wireless transfer of electricity throw outer Space; Artificial explosion of Sun
                                            Downloads: 53

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                                               Optimal Pitch Thrust-Vector Angle and Benefits for all Flight Regimes - Gilyard, Glenn B.
                                            The NASA Dryden Flight Research Center is exploring the optimum thrust-vector angle on aircraft. Simple aerodynamic performance models for various phases of aircraft flight are developed and optimization equations and algorithms are presented in this report. Results of optimal angles of thrust vectors and associated benefits for various flight regimes of aircraft (takeoff, climb, cruise, descent, final approach, and landing) are given...
                                            Downloads: 132

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                                               Long Distance Bullets and Shells - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            This picks up on the authorБs early work of increasing range of the shells and bullets 2 Б 5 times by including in its design small wings. The shell/bullet specially formed wings support the projectile in the air, does not allow it to fall in earthБs surface as the kinetic energy the projectile is not spent fighting the forces of gravity and air resistance. This is an important innovation as it can be used in conventional rifles and gun with rifled barrel and rotary shell/bullet...
                                            Keywords: Wing projectile; wing shell; long distance shell; long distance bullet
                                            Downloads: 83

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                                               Femtotechnology: Design of the Strongest AB-Matter for Aerospace* - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            Abstract Aerospace, aviation particularly need, in any era, the strongest and most thermostable materials available, often at nearly any price. The Space Elevator, space ships (especially during atmospheric reentry), rocket combustion chambers, thermally challenged engine surfaces, hypersonic aircraft materials better than any now available, with undreamed of performance as the reward if obtained. As it is shown in this research, the offered new material allows greatly to improve the all charact...
                                            Keywords: femtotechnology; nuclear matter; artificial AB-Matter; superstrength matter; superthermal resistance; invisible matter; super-protection from nuclear explosion and radiation; Bolonkin
                                            Downloads: 145

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                                               Dome Shield: A Method to Contain Radioactive Dust from Damaged Nuclear Stations and to Protect Cities by Envelopment in a Transparent Inflatable Blanket (Protection from radioactive dust as wells as chemical, biological weapons) - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            The author, in a series of previous articles, designed the AB Dome made of transparent thin film supported by a small additional air overpressure to cover a city or other important large installations or sub-regions. The AB Dome not only keeps the outside atmospheric conditions, such as inclement weather, away from the interior of the inflatable Dome, but can shield a city from radioactive dust, chemical, bacterial weapons and even partially from aviation and nuclear bombs...
                                            Keywords: Protection from damage nuclear station; Dome for city; blanket for city; greenhouse; regional control of weather; protection of cities from chemical; biological and radioactive weapons
                                            Downloads: 61

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                                               Universe, Human Immortality and Future Human Evaluation - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            Immortality is the most cherished dream and the biggest wish of any person. In book the author shows that the problem of immortality can be solved only by changing the biological human into an artificial form. After natural death the man and his consciousness, mind may be converted in a new electronic form. Such an immortal person made of chips and super-solid material (the E-man, E-being as was called in earlier author articles and book) will have incredible advantages in comparison to conventi...
                                            Keywords: Universe; immortality; future of humanity; computer; 21st Century; non-biological civilization
                                            Downloads: 144

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                                               Converting Matter in Energy.пŸя€пЅп«я€п®я‰пЅпҐпЈпЅ пЌп®я?пЅя€пЈпЈ п« я?пЄпЅя€пҐя?я? я?пҐпЅя€пЁпЈя? In Russian. п?п`-пЁпЅпҐпЅя€п®я?пЎя€пЎпЌ пЈ я"пЎя?пЎпҐпҐя?пЅ я€п®пЊпЅя?я? - A. Bolonkin
                                            Author offers a new nuclear generator which allows to convert any matter to nuclear energy in accordance with the Einstein equation E=mc2. The method is based upon tapping the energy potential of a Micro Black Hole (MBH) and the Hawking radiation created by this MBH. As is well-known, the vacuum continuously produces virtual pairs of particles and antiparticles, in particular, the photons and anti-photons...
                                            Keywords: Production of nuclear energy; Micro Black Hole; energy AB-Generator; photon rocket
                                            Downloads: 42

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                                               Space Wing Electro Relativistic AB-Ship - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            Author offers and develops the theory of a new class of space wing electro ship. A biplane wing and an electric field between the wings characterize this space ship. The interstellar and interplanetary mediums contain charged protons and other charged particles. The winged space ship can produce the lift, thrust and drag forces. The density of the space medium is small (100 - 105 charged particles/cm3) but the high ship speed allows creating enough force for maneuvers, turning, acceleration and ...
                                            Keywords: space wing electro apparatus; AB-space ship; flight into space medium; non-rocket space flight; ramjet space engine; electrocraft
                                            Downloads: 61

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                                               Universe (Part 3). Relations between Charge, Time, Matter, Volume, Distance, and Energy. - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            Abstract -  In Universe (Part 1)[1] author has developed a theory which allows derivation of the unknown relations between the main parameters (energy, time, volume, matter) in the Universe. In given part 3 he added charge as main parameter in this theory. He finds also the quantum (minimal values) of energy, time, volume and matter and he applied this quantum for estimations of quantum volatility and the estimation of some values of our Universe and received both well-known and new unknown rel...
                                            Keywords: Key words: Universe; time; matter; volume; distance; energy; limits of specific density of energy; matter; pressure; temperature; intensity of fields; collapse of space and time into point

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                                               Universe (Part 2): Rolling of Space (Volume, Distance), Time, and Matter into a Point - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            Previously [1], this author developed a theory which allows derivation of the unknown relations between main parameters in a given field of nature. Using this theory, the outcomes of the derived formulas to estimate some values of our Universe uncovered both well-known and new unknown relations. That paper [1] which should be considered part 1 of this series offers possibly valid relations between time, matter, volume, distance, and energy...
                                            Keywords: : Universe; time; matter; volume; distance; energy; limits of specific density of energy; matter; pressure; temperature; intensity of fields; collapse of space and time into point
                                            Downloads: 28

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                                               Energy Transfers from Airborne Wind Turbine: - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            Abstract Ground based, wind energy extraction systems have reached their maximum capability. The limitations of current designs are wind instability and high cost of installations. The wind energy industry is in need of revolutionary ideas to increase the capabilities of wind systems. This article suggests a revolutionary innovation which produces a dramatic increase in power per unit at a lower cost per unit of energy extracted and is independent of prevailing weather...
                                            Downloads: 5

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                                               Б€œUniverse (Part 3). Relations between Charge, Time, Matter, Volume, Distance, and EnergyБ€? - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            In Universe (Part 1)[1] author has developed a theory which allows derivation of the unknown relations between the main parameters (energy, time, volume, matter) in the Universe. In given part 3 he added charge as main parameter in this theory. He finds also the quantum (minimal values) of energy, time, volume and matter and he applied these quantum for estimations of quantum volatility and the estimation of some values of our Universe and received both well-known and new unknown relations...
                                            Keywords: Key words: Universe; time; matter; volume; distance; energy; limits of specific density of energy; matter; pressure; temperature; intensity of fields; collapse of space and time into point
                                            Downloads: 4

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                                               Converting of Matter to Nuclear Energy by AB-Generator and its Application - A. Bolonkin
                                            Author offers a new nuclear generator which allows to convert any matter to nuclear energy in accordance with the Einstein equation E=mc2. The method is based upon tapping the energy potential of a Micro Black Hole (MBH) and the Hawking radiation created by this MBH. As is well-known, the vacuum continuously produces virtual pairs of particles and antiparticles, in particular, the photons and anti-photons...
                                            Keywords: Production of nuclear energy; Micro Black Hole; energy AB-Generator; photon rocket
                                            Downloads: 48

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                                               Femtotechnology: AB-Needles. Fantastic properties and Applications - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            In the article БFemtotechnology: Nuclear AB-Matter with Fantastic PropertiesБ [1] American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 2 (2), 2009, p.501-514. (http://www.scribd.com/doc/24045154), (http://www.scipub.org/fulltext/ajeas/ajeas22501-514.pdf), author offered and considered possible super strong nuclear matter. But many readers asked about the long-term stability of the proposed nuclear matter...
                                            Keywords: Femtotechnology; FemtoTech; AB-Matter; AB-Needle; applications AB-Matter; stability AB-Matter
                                            Downloads: 74

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                                               Capture and Delivery of Asteroid to the Earth - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            Authors offer the new method for deliver the asteroid to Earth. That method is cheaper in a lot of times than a conventional method. In our method for braking apparatus and asteroid are used the kinetic energy of apparatus. This energy is used also for charging the apparatus energy storage. The small control parachute allows multiple using the Earth atmosphere for the braking the asteroid without high heating, deliver the asteroid in given point and to avoid the asteroid impact to Earth...
                                            Keywords: Asteroid delivery to Earth; Atmospheric reentry; Space Ships; thermal protection of asteroid and space apparatus; parachute braking
                                            Downloads: 24

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                                               Inexpensive Cable Space Launcher of High Capability - Bolonkin, Alexande
                                            This paper proposes a new method and transportation system to fly into space, to the Moon, Mars, and other planets. This transportation system uses a mechanical energy transfer and requires only minimal energy so that it provides a 'Free Trip' into space. The method uses the rotary and kinetic energy of planets, asteroids, moons, satellites and other natural space bodies. computations for the following projects: 1...
                                            Downloads: 94

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                                               AB ELECTRONIC TUBES AND QUASI-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AT ROOM TEMPERATURE* - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            Authors offer and research a new macro-engineering idea - filling tubes by electronic gases. Shown: If the insulating envelope (cover) of the tube is charged positively, the electrons within the tube are not attracted to covering. Tube (as a whole) remains a neutral (uncharged) body. The electron gas in the tube has very low density and very high conductivity, close to superconductivity. If we take the density (pressure) of electron gas as equal to atmospheric pressure, the thickness of insulato...
                                            Keywords: AB tubes; electronic tubes; superconductivity; transmission energy
                                            Downloads: 62

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                                               Employment of Asteroids for Movement Space Ship and Probes - Bolonkin, Alexande
                                            At present, rockets are used to change the trajectory of space ships and probes. This method is very expensive and requires a lot of fuel, which limits the feasibility of space stations, interplanetary space ships, and probes. Sometimes space probes use the gravity field of a planet. However, there are only 9 planets in our solar system and they are separated by great distances. There are tens of millions of asteroids in outer space...
                                            Downloads: 71

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                                               Estimated Benefits of Variable-Geometry Wing Camber Control for Transport Aircraft - Bolonkin, Alexander
                                            Analytical benefits of variable-camber capability on subsonic transport aircraft are explored. Using aerodynamic performance models, including drag as a function of deflection angle for control surfaces of interest, optimal performance benefits of variable camber are calculated. Results demonstrate that if all wing trailing-edge surfaces are available for optimization, drag can be significantly reduced at most points within the flight envelope...
                                            Downloads: 116

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                                               Optimal Inflatable Space Towers with 3 - 100 km Height - Bolonkin, Alexande
                                            Theory and computations are provided for building inflatable space towers up to one hundred kilometers in height. These towers can be used for tourism, scientific observation of space, observation of the Earth's surface, weather and upper atmosphere, and for radio, television, and communication transmissions. These towers can also be used to launch space ships and Earth satellites. These projects are not expensive and do not require rockets...
                                            Downloads: 125

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                                               New Concepts, Ifeas and Innovations in Aerospace, Technology and Human Sciences - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            ABSTRACT In last years the author and other scientists have published a lot of new concepts, ideas, and innovations in aerospace, science, and technology. These ideas promise the revolutions in aerospace, technology and human life. In aerospace these include the new method of flight - AB levitation. This method allows humanity to flight as bird, riches a very high speeds and free flight to space; the electrostatic ramjet and beam space propulsions; electrostatic magsail; high speed solar sail; a...
                                            Keywords: New Concepts; New Ideas; innovations; new technologies; Immortality; Electronic civilization
                                            Downloads: 113

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                                               Macro-Projects: Environments and Technologies - Alexander Bolonkin, Richard Cathcart
                                            ABSTRACT In recent years of the 21st Century the authors of this book and other scientists as well, have instigated and described many new macro-projects, USA and other countries patented concepts, speculative Macro-engineering ideas, and other general innovations in technology and environment change. These all hold the enticing promise for a true revolution in the lives of humans everywhere in the Solar System...
                                            Keywords: Macro Projects; Environments; Technology; Aerospace; Energy
                                            Downloads: 73

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                                               Non-Rocket Missile Rope Launcher - Bolonkin, Alexande
                                            The method, installation, and estimation for delivering payload and missiles into outer space are presented. This method uses, in general, the engines and straight or closed-loop cables disposed on a planet surface. The installation consists of a space apparatus, power drive stations located along trajectory of the apparatus, the cables connected to the apparatus and to the power stations, a system for suspending the cable, and disconnected device...
                                            Downloads: 100

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                                               Article Terraforming of Planets and Space Bodies - Alexander Bolonkin
                                              The current physics believes that vacuum can produce energy and Universes. The basis of any Universe is energy. Author assumes: energy may be positive or negative. Positive energy produces our positive matter, negative energy produces negative matter. Using this effect the author offers the formatting the current planets of Solar system, making them suitable for people, for humanity. That include: the production of Earth atmosphere, water, magnetic field in planets and natural satellites, ch...
                                            Keywords: Thermoforming planets; Space Flight; Space propulsion; negative energy; negative matter

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                                               Hypersonic Ground Electric AB Engine - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            At the present time, rocket launch systems, flight passenger-transport and ground passenger systems have reached their peak of development. In the last 30 years there has been no increase in speed or reductions in trip costs and space launch. The space launch and air and ground transportation industry needs revolutionary ideas, which allow a jump in speed and delivery capability, and a dramatic drop in space launch and trip price...
                                            Keywords: hypersonic ground engine; space launcher; air catapult transport; kinetic aviation; air kinetic system; new high speed ground system
                                            Downloads: 74

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                                               Air Catapult Transport - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            The current flight passenger-transport and cargo systems have reached the peak of their development. In the last 30 years there has been no increase in speed or reductions in trip costs. The transportation industry needs a revolutionary idea, which allows jumps in speed and delivery capability, and dramatic drops in trip price. The author offers a new idea in transportation in which trip (flight) time practically does not depend on distance, and vehicle load capability doubles and which has a dr...
                                            Keywords: air catapult transport; air kinetic transport; new passenger and cargo transport; catapult aviation; new space launch system; new suspending high speed ground system; cattran; skimplane
                                            Downloads: 69

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                                               Femtotechnology: Nuclear AB-Material with Fantastic Properties - A. Bolonkin
                                            At present the term БnanotechnologyБ is well known Б in itsБ ideal form, the flawless and completely controlled design of conventional molecular matter from molecules or atoms. Such a power over nature would offer routine achievement of remarkable properties in conventional matter, and creation of metamaterials where the structure not the composition brings forth new powers of matter. But even this yet unachieved goal is not the end of material science possibilities...
                                            Keywords: femtotechnology; nuclear matter; artificial AB-Material; superstrength material; superthermal resistance; invisible matter; super-protection from nuclear explosion and radiation
                                            Downloads: 79

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                                               Innovations and New Technologies - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            In recent years of the 21st Century the author of this book and other scientists as well, have instigated and described many new ideas, researches, theories, macro-projects, USA and other countries patented concepts, speculative macro-engineering ideas, projects and other general innovations in technology and environment change. These all hold the enticing promise for a true revolution in the lives of humans everywhere in the Solar System...
                                            Downloads: 5

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                                               New Technologies and Revolutionary Projects - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            Abstract In recent years of the 21st Century the author of this book and other scientists as well, have instigated and described many new ideas, researches, theories, macro-projects, USA and other countries patented concepts, speculative macro-engineering ideas, projects and other general innovations in technology and environment change. These all hold the enticing promise for a true revolution in the lives of humans everywhere in the Solar System...
                                            Keywords: New technology; revolutionary projects; femtotechnology; energy; space launchers; space flight
                                            Downloads: 135

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                                               Non-Rocket Space Launch and Flight (v.3) - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            At present, rockets are used for launches and flights into space. They have been intensively developed since World War II when the German engineer F. Von Braun designed the first long distance rocket FAU-2. In the subsequent 60 years liquid and solid rockets reached the peak of their development. Their main shortcomings are (1) very high cost of space launching $20,000 Б 50,000/kg; (2) large fuel consumption; (3) fuel storage problems because the oxidizer and fuel (for example; oxygen and hydro...
                                            Keywords: Non-Rocket Space Launch and Flight; Space Launch; Space Flight
                                            Downloads: 11

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                                               Non-Rocket Space Launch and Flight - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            Abstract At present, rockets are used for launches and flights into space. They have been intensively developed since World War II when the German engineer F. Von Braun designed the first long distance rocket FAU-2. In the subsequent 60 years liquid and solid rockets reached the peak of their development. Their main shortcomings are (1) very high cost of space launching $20,000 Б 50,000/kg; (2) large fuel consumption; (3) fuel storage problems because the oxidizer and fuel (for example; oxygen ...
                                            Keywords: Non-rocket launch; Non-rocket flight
                                            Downloads: 323

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                                               Femtotechnologies and Revolutionary Projects - Alexander Bolonkin
                                            In recent years of the 21st Century the author of this book and other scientists as well, have instigated and described many new ideas, researches, theories, macro-projects, USA and other countries patented concepts, speculative macro-engineering ideas, projects and other general innovations in technology and environment change. These all hold the enticing promise for a true revolution in the lives of humans everywhere in the Solar System...
                                            Keywords: Femtotechnology; Energy; Aerospace; Space Launch; Space Flight
                                            Downloads: 66

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                                               AB-matter and AB-needles. Fantastic properties. п?п`-пЌп®я?пЅя€пЈя? пЈ п?п`-пЈпЁп"я? - п?п"пЅпЊя?п®пҐпЄя€ п`пЎп"пЎпҐпЊпЈпҐ, Alexander Bolonkin
                                            п 2008пЁ п®п«япЎяпЎпЌ пЂяп" пNoяпЅпЄп"пЎпІпЅпҐ пЈ пЈяяп"пЅпЄпЎп«п®пҐ пҐпЎп«япЉ пЈяпЊяяяяп«пЅпҐпҐяпЉ п«пЈпЄ япЄпЅяпҐпЎпЉ пЌп®япЅяпЈпЈ (пп-пЌп®япЅяпЈя), пЊпЎяпЎяяпЉ пҐпЅ п«яяяпЅяп®пЅяяя п« пNoяпЈяпЎпЄпЅ. ппNoпЈяп®яяя пҐп® япЎяпЎяпЎ пЈп·п«пЅяяпҐяпЅ п·п®пЊпЎпҐя япЄпЅяпҐпЎп...
                                            Keywords: Bolonkin; AB-matter; п`пЎп"пЎпҐпЊпЈпҐ; п?п`-пЌп®я?пЅя€пЈя?; Femtotechnology; пєпЅпЌя?пЎя?пЅя...пҐпЎп"пЎпЁпЈя?я?
                                            Downloads: 52

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                                               Artificial Explosion of Sun. AB-Criterion for Solar Detonation - Alexander Bolonkin with Joseph Friedlander*
                                            The Sun contains ~74% hydrogen by weight. The isotope hydrogen-1 (99.985% of hydrogen in nature) is a usable fuel for fusion thermonuclear reactions. This reaction runs slowly within the Sun because its temperature is low (relative to the needs of nuclear reactions). If we create higher temperature and density in a limited region of the solar interior, we may be able to produce self-supporting detonation thermonuclear reactions that spread to the full solar volume...
                                            Keywords: Artificial explosion of Sun; annihilation of solar system; criterion of nuclear detonation; nuclear detonation wave; detonate Sun; artificial supernova
                                            Downloads: 86

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                                               Converting of matter in mucler Energy. пŸя€пЅп«я€п®я‰пЅпҐпЈпЅ пЌп®я?пЅя€пЈпЈ п« я?пЄпЅя€пҐя?я? я?пҐпЅя€пЁпЈя? п?п`-пЁпЅпҐпЅя€п®я?пЎя€пЎпЌ пЈ я"пЎя?пЎпҐпҐя?пЅ я€п®пЊпЅя?я? - Alexander Bolonkin, п?п"пЅпЊя?п®пҐпЄя€ п`пЎп"пЎпҐпЊпЈпҐ
                                            пїпЅп"пЎп«пЅяпЅяяп«пЎ пЎяпЅпҐя пҐяпІпЄп®пЅяяя п« япҐпЅяпЁпЈпЈ. пяпЅ япЎяпЎяпЎ п·пҐп®яя пЊп®пЊ япЅп"пЎп«пЅяяп«пЎ пҐяпІпЄп®пЅяяя п« япҐпЅяпЁпЈпЈ. ппЈп"п"пЈпЎпҐя япЎпҐпҐ япЅпҐпҐяя пNoпЎп"пЅп·пҐяя пЈяпЊпЎпNoп®пЅпЌяя яп®пЊпЈя пЊп®пЊ пҐпЅяяя, пҐп®яяяп®п"япҐяпЉ пЁп®п·, яп?...
                                            Keywords: Bolonkin; Nuclear Energy; п`пЎп"пЎпҐпЊпЈпҐ; пџпЄпЅя€пҐп®я? я?пҐпЅя€пЁпЈя?
                                            Downloads: 33

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                                               Life.Science.Future. (In Russian). п-пЈп·пҐяŒ. п?п®я?пЊп®. п`я?пЄя?я‰пЅпЅ - A. Bolonkin, п?п"пЅпЊя?п®пҐпЄя€ п`пЎп"пЎпҐпЊпЈпҐ
                                            ппп ппѓпп п ппппп пп®пІпЄп®я япЅп"пЎп«пЅяпЅяпЊп®я пІпЈп·пҐя япҐпЈпЊп®п"япҐп®. ппЄпҐп®пЊпЎ я пЊп®пІпЄпЎпЁпЎ пЎпҐп® япЊп"п®пЄяп«п®пЅяяя пNoпЎ яп«пЎпЅпЌя пЈ пNoяпЅпNoпЎпЄпҐпЎяпЈя яп®п·пҐяпЅ пЈяпNoяяп®пҐпЈя. п япЎпІп®п"пЅпҐпЈя, пЌпЎп"пЎпЄпЅпІя, пЊп®пЊ пNoяп®п«пЈп"пЎ, пNoпЎп...
                                            Keywords: Bolonkin; п`пЎп"пЎпҐпЊпЈпҐ; п`пЈпЎпЁя€п®я"пЈя?; пҐп«я?пЊп®; пЈпҐпҐпЎп«п®я†пЈпЈ; пЂя?пЄя?я‰пЅпЅ
                                            Downloads: 42

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                                               Human Immortality and Electronic Civilization in Russian - Alexander Bolonkin, п?п"пЅпЊя?п®пҐпЄя€ п`пЎп"пЎпҐпЊпЈпҐ
                                            Abstract in Russian ппЂяяяп®пЊя ппЅяяпЌпЅяяпЈпЅ - яяпЎ пЁпЎп"япЂп®я, п«пЅпЊпЎп«п®я, яп®пЌп®я пЂпЎп"яяп®я пЌпЅяяп® пЈ яп®пЌпЎпЅ пЂпЎп"яяпЎпЅ пІпЅп"п®пҐпЈпЅ п"япЂпЎпЁпЎ япЅп"пЎп«пЅпЊп®. пїпЅп"пЎп«пЅпЊ пЌп®п"пЎ пЄяпЌп®пЅя пЎпЂ яяпЎпЌ пNoпЎпЊп® пЌпЎп"пЎпЄ, п·пЄпЎяпЎп« пЈ пNoпЎп"п?...
                                            Keywords: Immirtality; Electronic civilization; E-being; Bolonkin; п`пЎп"пЎпҐпЊпЈпҐ; п`пЅя?я?пЌпЅя€я?пЈпЅ п"я?пЄпЅпЉ
                                            Downloads: 38

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                                               Memoirs of Soviet Political Prisoner (in Russian) - Alexander Bolonkin, п?п"пЅпЊя?п®пҐпЄя€ п`пЎп"пЎпҐпЊпЈпҐ
                                            пNoяп®п«пЎп·п®япЈяпҐпЈпЊ п яяпЎпЉ пҐпЅпЂпЎп"яяпЎпЉ п·п®пЌпЅяпЊпЅ я япЎяя пЊпЎяпЎяпЊпЎ яп®яяпЊп®п·п®яя пЎпЂ япЄпЈп«пЈяпЅп"япҐпЎпЌ япЅп"пЎп«пЅпЊпЅ - пп"пЅпЊяп®пҐпЄяпЅ пп"пЅпЊяп®пҐпЄяпЎп«пЈяпЅ ппЎп"пЎпҐпЊпЈпҐпЅ, пЅпЁпЎ яп"пЎпІпҐпЎпЉ пЈ яяяпЄпҐпЎпЉ яяпЄяпЂпЅ пЊп®пЊ я...
                                            Keywords: History of USSR; п?я?я?пЎя€пЈя? пЊпЎпЌпЌя?пҐпЈя?я?пЈя‡пЅя?пЊпЎпЁпЎ я€пЅпІпЈпЌп® п« пђпђпђп 
                                            Downloads: 54

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  • Комментарии: 3, последний от 24/08/2020.
  • © Copyright Болонкин Александр Александрович (abolonkin@juno.com)
  • Обновлено: 19/10/2014. 512k. Статистика.
  • Статья: Естеств.науки
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