The paper published in Transportation systems and technology with the title Impossibility of
superconductivity electric flow has impressed us deeply.
It has drawn attention and interest from researchers working in this field.
Invitation to Submit Your Research Paper
Started with the aim to advance the communications within scientific community, specialists
and scholars in different fields can get the cutting-edge research results from American
Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering. Due to the advance, novelty, and potential
wide applications of your innovation, we invite you with sincerity to submit other
unpublished manuscripts of similar themes to the journal. Further research of this
published article is also welcomed.
You can refer to the link below to learn more:
Recruiting Editorial Board Member/Reviewer
On behalf of the Editorial Board of the journal, we sincerely invite you to join our team as one
of the editorial board members/reviewers of American Journal of Traffic and Transportation
Engineering. Taking your academic background and expertise in this field into account, the
Board believe that you may be the most suitable person for this position. We believe that this
opportunity will promote international academic collaborations in the future.
For more information, please visit our website:
We await good news with patience.
Best, Assistant Editor of American Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering
Ваша работа, напечатанная в "Транспортных системах и Технологиях", озаглавленная
"Невозможность сверхпроводимости электрического тока" глубоко нас впечатлила.
Она привлекла внимание ученых, работающих в этой области.
Приглашение представить вашу исследовательскую работу.
Начатые с целью продвижения коммуникаций в научном сообществе,
специалисты и ученые в разных областях могут получить передовые
результаты исследований от American Journal of Traffic and
Transportation Engineering.
Из-за новизны и потенциальных широких применений ваших
инноваций мы приглашаем вас с искренностью представить в
журнал другие неопубликованные рукописи аналогичных тем. Также
приветствуется дальнейшее исследование этой опубликованной
Связаться с программистом сайта.