I.Razumov, V.Petrov, I.Bessonov
Rhythms of world history: in the context of astronomical knowledge, prophecies and calendar systems.

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  • © Copyright I.Razumov, V.Petrov, I.Bessonov (ilya.k.razumoff@gmail.com)
  • Размещен: 10/07/2015, изменен: 14/12/2018. 13k. Статистика.
  • Монография: Обществ.науки
  • Иллюстрации/приложения: 1 шт.
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  • Аннотация:
    Rhythms of world history are studied within a framework of the original authors' approaches in their possible relationship to the planetary cycles, calendar systems and Christian eschatology. The "imperial cycle" of Venus, discovered by the authors correlates with the dates of world wars and collapses of states, acquiring religious meaning in the context of Daniel's prophecies and Philotheus's concept "Moscow is the Third Rome". Nostradamus's astrological quatrains, astronomical senses of Revelations, futurological predictions, including the theory of demographic singularity by Forster-Kapitsa and historical singularity by Dyakonov-Panov were considered. There was found the symbolic correspondence between the dates of the Jewish calendar and the events of Jewish and world history.

  • Rhythms of world history

    in the context of astronomical knowledge, prophecies and calendar systems.

    (collection of papers)






    I.K. Razumov, V.A.Petrov, I.A.Bessonov

       Rhythms of world history are studied within a framework of the original authors' approaches in their possible relationship to the planetary cycles, calendar systems and Christian eschatology. The "imperial cycle" of Venus, discovered by the authors correlates with the dates of world wars and collapses of states, acquiring religious meaning in the context of Daniel's prophecies and Philotheus's concept "Moscow is the Third Rome". Nostradamus's astrological quatrains, astronomical senses of Revelations, futurological predictions, including the theory of demographic singularity by Forster-Kapitsa and historical singularity by Dyakonov-Panov were considered. There was found the symbolic correspondence between the dates of the Jewish calendar and the events of Jewish and world history.


       I.K.Razumov, V.A.Petrov. Correlation of historical rhythms with cycles of superior conjunctions of planets and the Sun. 
       I.K.Razumov, V.A.Petrov. Imperial cycle of the planet Venus and Philotheus's concept "Moscow is the Third Rome".
       I.K.Razumov. Astrological quatrains of Nostradamus.
       V.A.Petrov. Revelation: Astronomical view.
       I.A.Bessonov. The Prophetic Torah Calendar: analogies between the dates of the Jewish calendar and the events of Jewish and world history.
       About authors.



       The theme of this collection of articles is the study of regular pattern in development of historical process. Authors consider this issue from different sides and find out on the one hand historical events significantly correlate with planets cycles, but on the other hand they become ordered within the meaning of events in framework of eschatological concepts and calendar systems. If the first assumes some mechanical grounds of the history, the second has to be linked with the presence of purpose and sense, some divine plan. Thus, the "anatomy" of the world history assimilates the human nature having both consciousness (mind) and physical body. 
       The article "Correlation of historical rhythms with cycles of superior conjunctions of planets and the Sun" notes the important role of astronomical latitudes, in particular, determining the periodicity of planets occultation by the Sun at the moments of their superior conjunctions with it. The cycles are shown to allow the prediction of the main tendencies of the world history. For instance, 250-year-old Roman imperial cycle, first described by Lucius Annaeus Florus, coincides with Venus cycle and is in effect till now. At the extremes of this cycle the Roman Empire was formed and broken up, the Byzantine Empire was then lost, and its latest manifestations have become the enemy invasions against "The Third Rome", i.e. against Moscow: crusades of Divlet I Giray, Charles XII, Napoleon I Bonaparte, the Great Patriotic War. It was also noted a strong correlation of Mars occultation by the Sun with dates of military conflicts, Jupiter occultation by the Sun with periods of revolutions and unrests, the maximum elongations of Saturn with dates of statesmen's death. According to the analysis the forecast trends in the world history for the next two centuries was represented.  
       In the paper "Imperial cycle of the planet Venus and Philotheus's concept "Moscow is the Third Rome" - the Roman imperial cycle is considered in the context of calendar systems and Christian eschatology. Earlier finding that the most important events in the history of ancient Rome and the states considered themselves its successors (Byzantine Empire, Russia) took place on the cycle maximum of the superior conjunction of Venus and the Sun astrologically confirms the religious Philotheus's concept "Moscow is the Third Rome" and allows to predict the date of the world wars and collapses of empires in the future. Herewith, the imperial rhythm originates from the founding of Rome, and is in no way connected with the Christianisation of ancient Rome, allowing to assume the presence of a hidden meaning in Philotheus's concept. Probably, Pskov monk relied not on the imperial ideology of Eusebius of Caesarea, but rather on his own interpretation of Daniel's prophecy on the "fourth beast" and the third book of Ezra.
       The article "Astrological quatrains of Nostradamus" considers the selection of quatrains dated by the known forecaster through the astronomical configuration of the planets, or through the medieval rhythmological theories. Such predictions are found to be often very specific in dates and details of events, performed with good accuracy. Widespread prejudice about the prophecies of Nostradamus as blurred and non-specific texts, allowing voluntary interpretation is probably connected to the fact that for nearly 500 years they have been fairly discredited by popular authors, not familiar neither with the peculiarities of Middle French vocabulary and grammar, nor with history and astrology. But does this mean that Nostradamus has made his predictions on the ground of solely astrological calculations? The answer of Nostradamus is that the future predictions can be made both as a result of natural inspiration, and during  the process of astrological calculations, but only if the divine spirit is given by God.
       The article "Revelation: Astronomical view" tried to interpret "Revelation" of St. John the Evangelist from an astronomical point of view. It shows some highlights of the eclipse theory and the laws of planetary motion, in particular, the planet Venus. As a result of consideration the author concludes that "Revelation" allegorically specifies the configuration of celestial bodies, taken place in the date of the most important historical events of the XX century. The reader can verify the author's logic.
       Finally, in the article "The prophetic Torah calendar: analogy between the dates of the Jewish calendar and the events of Jewish and world history" - a period of 7000 years from the beginning of the Jewish calendar is placed in a symbolic correspondence with one "prophetic year" with the period of 360 days. It results in semantic correlation of world history with the Jewish feasts and fasts. In particular, the birth of Jesus falls on the eve of Passover, the beginning of the preaching of Muhammad - on Pesach Sheni (Little Passover), the end of the 6,000 years of the Jewish calendar (2241 AD) - on the date of destruction of the first and second Temples, etc. According to the author, the explanation of these facts can be related to the traditional Jewish opinion that at the heart of our world there is the Torah, i.e. the tradition, the bearers of which are the Jewish sages. While that the "ideology", encased in a prophetic calendar is not orthodox Jewish at all, but rather testifies for an "integral religion of Abraham".
       The materials, represented in the collection, were previously partly published in the following books and magazines [in Russian]:
       I.K. Razumov, V.A.Petrov // Consciousness and Physical Reality, 2012, N4, p.37-55.
       I.K. Razumov, V.A.Petrov // Reports of Independent Authors, 2012, issue 20, p.6-22.
       I.K. Razumov. // Consciousness and Physical Reality, 2010, N12, p.33-48.
       I.K. Razumov. // Herald of temporology, 2013, issue 1, p.106.
       V.A.Petrov, I.K. Razumov // Herald of temporology, 2014, issue 2, p.184.
       V.A.Petrov // Herald of temporology, 2015, in publishing.
       I.A.Bessonov // Herald of temporology, 2013, issue 1, p.177
       I.A.Bessonov Biblical prophecies about Islam. The proof of the spiritual unity of the Abrahamic religions. - Publishing house "Belovodie", 2011.

    Here you can find the complete text of this book:





    0x01 graphic

    Fig.1. Smoothed normalized graph of the geometric mean between the modules of declination and the elongation of Venus taken at the time of its superior conjunction with the Sun.

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  • © Copyright I.Razumov, V.Petrov, I.Bessonov (ilya.k.razumoff@gmail.com)
  • Обновлено: 14/12/2018. 13k. Статистика.
  • Монография: Обществ.науки
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