Слободкина Ольга
My friends used to boast

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  • © Copyright Слободкина Ольга (olga_slobodkina@mail.ru)
  • Размещен: 09/07/2024, изменен: 29/09/2024. 1k. Статистика.
  • Стихотворение: Поэзия
  • Иллюстрации/приложения: 1 шт.

  • "He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap."
    Ecclesiastes 11:4
    "If I were a bear and a big bear too"
    Alexander Milne
    My "friends" used to boast 
       brandishing their business
      in front of my nose,
    trying to show me my place...
       I don't have such "friedns" anymore -
     they are out of their depth with me.
      For I'm different,
    a creative race.
      I won't let them eat my core
    My business is chasing the shadows
      and watching the clouds
       and putting together the rhymes...
    I'll never reap or make wines.
    Making money in businesses is not my cup of tea,
      but my art works are travelling all over the world -
    for free.
    I have no sword or shield,
      but got an International Certi-
    ficate -
      The Knight of Creati-
    There are only 6 such Certificates in the world...
    Ideas come from the air...
      I'm a lady of Nowhere...
    And if I were a bear
      I'd come to my scandalous neighbours
    and scoop them out of their sordid affair!)))
    July 8, 2024

  • © Copyright Слободкина Ольга (olga_slobodkina@mail.ru)
  • Обновлено: 29/09/2024. 1k. Статистика.
  • Стихотворение: Поэзия

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