In the evening Sun
the shadows get long...
What will the future bring?
I guess, I don't know.
My life is wayning,
most of it is gone...
with a lot of stupidity,
I must confess.
I go on.
I'm just a guest
in this difficult world.
What's next?
Where shall I go?
Since I'm sick
I'm enjoying every moment in the park...
Life is a blick...
All of a sudden I can smell the sea...
Does that mean I'll really see
the sea?
Or is it just a remi-
niscense for me
to see
in my mind's eye?
Shall I ever see the sea again?
Which sea?
How many seas?
How many seas have I already seen?
Shall I ever embark on a plane or train?
Or are they all in vain -
All my dreams and wishes?
Life has stuck
in this suspense...
The world is moaning...
I'm trying to go on...
Aug.9, 2020
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