Слободкина Ольга
The first impression

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  • © Copyright Слободкина Ольга (olga_slobodkina@mail.ru)
  • Размещен: 04/12/2019, изменен: 11/01/2020. 0k. Статистика.
  • Стихотворение: Поэзия

  • The first impression is always right
    The first impression is always strong
    The first impression is always bright
    If the thing is right - not wrong.
    The first impression never lies
    It cannot be repeated twice
    It is a kind of li-
     cence of trust
       for further times of the wise
    The first impression stays with you
    It's not a round-about
    Neither is it an avenue
    It never expires, never goes out!
    The first impression comes from God
    The Upper Forces make it bright
    The Upper Forces make it strong
    If the thing is not wrong, but right
    Dec.1, 2019

  • © Copyright Слободкина Ольга (olga_slobodkina@mail.ru)
  • Обновлено: 11/01/2020. 0k. Статистика.
  • Стихотворение: Поэзия

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