You have conceived me,
carried me,
gave me birth.
Breastfed me,
on this Earth.
You brought me up,
gave education,
you stopped me
in my revelations...
I've lived my life
under her wing,
under her whim,
under her whip;
under her care
and protection;
under her pressure
and her lashing;
on her lane
under her strain,
with her pain...
I deign to her shenanigans
and treasure the rarest moments of tenderness -
only in times when I was really sick -
only in times when I was really weak,
but still - in her cage,
under her rage...
I do forgive her all her wrath
and her destructive force.
I do forgive her all -
Let her live long
or I'll be not at all.
And when the leaves
what shall I do?
I think, I'll have to leave
this cold world too...
March 15, 2023
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