Аннотация: Martianov V. The decline of public politics in Russia: from public politics to political administration: the depoliticization of the regions // Russian Politics and Law. 2007. V. 45. N 5. p. 67-82.
Аннотация: The paradigm of "transitive modernization" as the base foundation of the political transitology looks like a tautological position about universal values of Modern and Enlightenment, which have Western origin. On the political level it has national and ideological sides. The last level of political here is the Nation-state. Political institutes and values of Modern in West are treated as universal for nations all over the world. Those nations have to develop themselves according to these values by the "natural way". The declinations from the Western Liberal Democracy are understood as temporal pathologies in the political development of the society, which can"t cancel the universality of political institutes of democracy, progress, individual and freedom because every society must be cured of any political pathology.