Аннотация: Martianov V. The decline of public politics in Russia: from public politics to political administration: the depoliticization of the regions // Russian Politics and Law. 2007. Том 45. N 5. p. 67-82. Annotation: In recent years regional (subfederal) politics and public politics as such
have been disappearing. Moreover, politics in the regions is increasinglyless connected with the classic public conflict of interests, whichis resolved through periodic popular appeals by elites in conflict. Publicpolitics is becoming political administration within a power hierarchy.The Russian regions have stopped being regarded as topics of politicalanalysis. Henceforth, regional government must be studied by applyingtheories of administration, economics, and statistics. Regional leadersare heading the boards of directors for key companies or becomingparty functionaries, administrators, and economic executives "in thesovereign"s service."