I sat on a bench
in the Garden of Lilacs
in front of a great tree.
I'd been photographing it
from every angle.
It was so graphical,
intrinsically beautiful
and artistic.
A young girl wearing a checkered poncho
passed right by.
I kept photographing.
She saw it and came back,
took out a camera
and started photographing it too.
On making several takes
she was right gone.
We loved the tree so much!
Why not each other?
If we could love the same one tree,
there must be something similar
between us.
Why don't we love each other, people!
And later in the Park I saw a girl of five.
She stopped in front of me
turning her byke.
- Look out!
There are cars, see, - over there!
Where's your mother?
She pointed to a lady at a distance...
approaching us and smiling...
- Thank you, - the mother said.
And I smiled back at her.
We understood each other.
Her daughter was a doll.
The day was good then...
P.S. The meaning of the day
was different, however...
The man who was in love
wanted a child.
His spirit brought me to the park
and showed the lovely girl.
The sculpture in the park
was on the subject too.
Sept. 24, 2020
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