Слободкина Ольга
I'm wandering through other people's minds
I'm wandering through other people's minds
as if their thoughts were trees with lots of branches.
Some catch me by my clothes, wouldn't let me go,
some go straight up
without love or hatred
or any other feeling -
just like that,
so nonchalant
and so unsympathetic.
I love them most, however,
for there are
still others
dried up by
my negligence or pride...
They look so helpless...
I cannot water them
or take them back to life
for they will thirst for further care and time,
which I can't give them
for I must be gone
to Where I'm needed most
and most desired.
They should've never known my warmth or breath,
would've been growing in their different ways
in blissful unawareness of my spirits.
So, I can only pray...
These dried up trees
will be like broken branches of my mind,
regardless of the years I'll have lived.
Forgive me,
the Great Gardener of Life...
Oct. 21, 1990
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