Слободкина Ольга
Exclusive publishing series by Olga Slobodkina-von Brömssen. Part Three. In the style of Japanese tanka

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  • © Copyright Слободкина Ольга (olga_slobodkina@mail.ru)
  • Размещен: 14/07/2024, изменен: 14/07/2024. 5k. Статистика.
  • Сборник стихов: Поэзия

  • 1. 
      The sky has built up
            of turtle shells. 
       It's going to rain soon.
    June 17, 2002
    2. Raindrops on a grape leaf!
          You are the same as in my childhood -
             ancient and wistful.
    July 17, 2000
    3. Hardly had I turned away
          when bark beetles
             appeared on the Japanese book of pentastich poetry,
                on the table in my garden.
    July 17, 2000
    4. The trembling of the leaves on the whitewashed wall,
           where the Wind makes its magic
              and plays with their iridescent shadows,
                 reflected in the countless waters...
    July 20, 1999
      The last Sun in the water
         is like a vertical lightning
            when you swim back to the shore...
      The scent of dry grass.
          I'm the last one in Kara-Dag.*
    July 24 1999
    *The Black Mountain in Koktebel, the Crimea
      The Moon
       drew an abstract design
          on the wall of my room
            through the trees and the windows.
     February 10, 2000
    7.The silver half-moon crescent
       went up for a walk in the sky
         to sparkle with diamonds
           in the shimmer of the night.
      I'll pin it
       to my blue sweater
          and move my shoulder...
    September 6, 2000
    8.  Rain drops on the trembling branches
       in the lanterns' light...
    February 10, 2000
      The dragons of the clouds
        huddled together
           into the blackness
             over the Bay...
    May 29, 2001
    10.  Your letters
         are inscribed 
        in my soul,
         like on a rock -
      And even the waves of all the Oceans,
         thrusting against this rock,
            would rather run out
             than erase the meaning of these words...
    February 20, 2007
      I stand morendo...
        The grandeur of the trees
          is vanishing into the distance
           like new endeavours...
    September 5, 1999
      At dawn
       in a fragment of the soul -
         there is the Sun,
       the February Sun...
           One more new day.
    Jan. 20, 2005
      Medieval Japan...
       Hills on rice- paper
         and capes in the infinity of the sky
           and the sky - in the endless contemplation
             of the foggy invisible sea...
    June 11, 1997 
      The cranes
       are brushing
        the conical circles
          of the white aura of the Sun
            with their wings.
       The Autumnal passage.
     Sept.12, 2009
      The last minutes of the sunset beauty
          dying into the night...
    November 15, 2009
       The sea pulls a wave towords the shore
          and smashes it against the rocks.
       So shall we -
          being pulled into the Invisible World,
             where Death will break the body...
    June 18, 2001
    17. I want to think about the seagull,
           floating in the Free Sky,
       about the black streaks of magma
           frozen on the walls of the Dead City in Kara-Dag,
       and about the surf,
           rhythmically beating against the stones below...
    June 18, 2001
    18.  In my old little room,
       on the ceiling -
         there are shadows from the net lace curtain
             with papillons on it
                from the old Japanese songs...
       June 13, 2001
    19.   My sun is over -
           the rocks have blocked out the heat.
               my path goes to the backwoods.
    June 9, 2001
    20.  The Moon rose orange over the sea
                  and lit the way.
                       Perhaps to India?
    June 7, 20001
    21. Oh, the blue clouds!
          The green hills!
            And the wondrous trembling ball of the Sun...
       Oh, precious gift of the Earth!
    June 7, 2001

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  • © Copyright Слободкина Ольга (olga_slobodkina@mail.ru)
  • Обновлено: 14/07/2024. 5k. Статистика.
  • Сборник стихов: Поэзия

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